Allamanda Schottii ‘ Silver’, Golden Trumpet has Silver-coloured leaves are elliptic in shape. Young leaves are slightly folded in a boat-like shape.
Showing 545–576 of 1042 results
Variegated Wax Ivy (Senecio macroglossus ‘Variegatus’) has shiny, waxy leaves that resemble those of English Ivy but without the headache of spider mites or other pests. The variegated, triangular leaves and plump stems of this climbing vine make for a lush hanging basket or trellised climber in a pot. In bright sun, the white stems and leaf edges blush a beautiful pink and purple that creates a lovely contrast with the green.
Lucky bamboo is not bamboo at all. This bamboo is a specially grown version of what is commonly called lucky bamboo. Dracaena grow naturally in this shape. The plant is placed in a three-sided box, allowing only one side at a time to be exposed to the light. The plant naturally grows toward the light, and once a spiral is achieved (sometimes in as long as six months), the plant is turned and the box modified so another portion of the plant has access to light.
Combo of 10 Spiral Bamboo Stick has 50 to 60cm height same as shown in product images. Bamboo can be the perfect living decoration for the home or office. They are perfect low light houseplants with low maintenance. This extremely easy-to-grow plant is often given as a gift for luck or for money.
Strobilanthes Dyerianus aka Purple Persian Shield is a striking tropical species thrives on heat and humidity, yielding its most brilliant color in partially shaded locations. Its foliage positively shimmers in neon shades of purple, veined with green. With too much light, the colors are less impressive.The shape of the leaves appears like little armor shields fitting for battle. Its six-inch flashy leaves have a purplish iridescence that gives them an almost silvery metallic look. The plant can grow well in containers or outdoor flowerbeds.
Syngonium Erythrophyllum is a dainty, creeping plant with small arrow-shaped waxy leaves, having two ear-like basal lobes. Leaf color is a metallic coppery-green with a reddish underlay. It has a trailing habit and is great in terarriums for contrast.
The Dwarf Chenille Plant, or Red Hot Cat’s Tail has a long bloom period and beautiful flowers that range from bright red to a deep pink color. It’s a great addition to any subtropical or tropical garden. Blooms year round.
Crossandra infundibuliformis ‘Orange Sherbert’ This type of Clusters of widely flaring soft orange flowers are borne from spring to fall to year-round under warm tropical conditions and are held above and among the rich deep green foliage .
Brahmi, Bacopa monnieri, is a tropical, perennial, non-aromatic herb used in Ayurveda medicine. It grows in rice fields and damp areas. Its leaves are succulent, oblong, thick, and arranged alternately. The flowers are small and white, with four to five petals. The leaves are edible – it can be eaten raw in mixed salads or cooked as a vegetable Bacopa monnieri, also called brahmi, water hyssop, thyme-leaved gratiola, and herb of grace.
Calamondin orange ( Mini Orange Plant) is sometimes called miniature orange. Its fruits are as decorative as real oranges, but although they are edible they are also very bitter. A close relative of the true orange, which can also be grown indoors, the calamondin orange is a dwarf shrub with shiny, green, leathery leaves.
Clerodendrum Inerme Variegata (Sangam/Vanjai) is an evergreen sprawling shrub with woody and smooth stems. Leaves are ovate to elliptical long, acute to acuminate tip, variegated lime with some whitish tinge, smooth, slightly shiny upper surface, pinnate venation, margins entire, leaves opposite, simple. Cyme or umbel usually comprised of 3 flowers joined at a common base point; corolla white, fused, with 5 lobes; stamens 4, reddish to purple and upwardly curved.
Clitoria ternatea, commonly known as Asian pigeonwings, bluebellvine, blue pea, butterfly pea, cordofan pea and Darwin pea, is a plant species belonging to the family Fabaceae. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, with elliptic, obtuse leaves. It grows as a vine or creeper, doing well in moist, neutral soil. The most striking feature about this plant is the color of its flowers, a vivid deep blue; solitary, with light yellow markings.
Clitoria Ternatea is one of four herbs traditionally used as Shanka Pushpi, an Ayurvedic medicine used to promote neurological health. It shows promise in animal models for its memory enhancing effects, and has a wide spectrum of neurological benefits. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, with elliptic, obtuse leaves. It grows as a vine or creeper, doing well in moist, neutral soil. The most striking feature about this plant is the color of its LIGHT purple flowers.
Dahlberg Daisy (Thymophylla Tenuiloba) is a very interesting annual plant whose leaves are deeply divided, threadlike that have a pungent, lemony odor when crushed or bruised. The blooms are small yellow like daisy flowers whose heads are less than an inch across, with bright golden, orange or yellow rays and yellow disks.
Barberton daisy is the common name for the Gebera Jamesonii, also known as the Transvaal or Gerbera daisy. The large range of striking flower colors has enabled this flowering pot plant to become a popular house plant choice for a number of years.
Graptophyllum pictum, commonly called caricature plant, It has has oval shaped glossy dark mahogany colored foliage with creamy white variegation splashed down the center of each leaf. The stems are usually reddish and contrast nicely with the leaves. It has Reddish purple or pinkish purple flowers are tubular and located near the stem tips.
Juanulloa mexicana or aurantica is a rare and uncommon colorful blooming vine-like tropical It is commonly called Goldfinger Bush or Vine because of the resemblance of the elongated, elliptical shaped golden orange buds to fingers.