Best Selling Plants
Showing 833–864 of 1385 results
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Tradescantia Zebrina ‘Pendulla’ Mini
Tradescantia Zebrina Pendulla, a native to Mexico, is a very popular trailing plant. It is commonly grown as a groundcover that roots at the nodes as stems spread along the ground. Stems are clad with fleshy, pointed, stem-clasping, oval leaves that are blue-green with two broad silvery longitudinal stripes above and solid purple underneath. Tiny, three-petaled, lavender-purple flowers appear sporadically throughout the year on plants grown in the native habitat, but flowers rarely appear on indoor plants.
₹599.00₹199.00 - Read more
Tradescantia Zebrina ‘Purpusii’ Mini
Tradescantia Zebrina ‘Purpusii’ is a mounding cascading plant with broad ovate leaves which are bronze and purple, becoming much deeper in bright indirect light.Tiny, three-petaled, lavender-purple flowers appear sporadically throughout the year on plants grown in the native habitat, but flowers rarely appear on indoor plants.
₹599.00₹199.00 - Read more
Vanilla planifolia ‘Variegata’ (Variegated Vanilla)
Vanilla planifolia ‘Variegata’ (Variegated Vanilla) is a rare climbing orchid grown not only for its ability to produce vanilla pods but its stunning variegated foliage. Large green/yellow flowers are produced which must be hand pollinated in order for them to produce the pods.
₹1,499.00₹699.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Vanilla Planifolia Mini
Vanilla planifolia is a rare climbing orchid grown not only for its ability to produce vanilla pods but its stunning green foliage. Large green/yellow flowers are produced which must be hand pollinated in order for them to produce the pods.
₹599.00₹299.00 - Read more
Adenium Arabicum
Adenium arabicum ia a remarkable succulent plant with a grotesquely swollen trunk which resembles a miniature baobab tree. It is a local or morphological form of Adenium obesum, but commonly used to be known as a separate species and very popular with ‘fat plant’ collectors.
₹1,999.00₹699.00 - Read more
Adenium Obesum Variegated
Adenium Obesum Variegated have swollen, often twisted trunk, which is pale gray. The leaves have splashing whitish variegation and are glossy and club-shaped. The flowers appear almost continuously, are prominent bell shaped, and are pink, red or white in color.Perfect for water conserving gardens as it is drought resistant. Can be a houseplant if grown by a window, but prefers to be outdoors in full to partial sun.
₹1,999.00₹1,499.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Variegated Adenium Bonsai
Variegated Adenium Bonsai have swollen, often twisted trunk, which is pale gray. The leaves are glossy and club-shaped. The flowers appear almost continuously, are prominent bell shaped, and are pink in color.Perfect for water conserving gardens as it is drought resistant. Can be a houseplant if grown by a window, but prefers to be outdoors in full to partial sun.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Read more
Piper Magnificum (Lacquered Pepper)
Piper Magnificum (Lacquered Pepper) also known as Peruvian Pepper is a wonderful low-light foliage plant with shiny, dark green leaves that can reach 6-8″ and the leaves are so glossy they appear to be lacquered. The undersides of the leaves are reddish-purple.
₹699.00₹489.00 - Read more
Variegated Betel Leaf
Variegated Betel leaf have glossy, heart shaped leaves that are deep green with creamy white flush in the middle region of the leaf. Variegated Betel leaf is a climbing or tailing vine that is prized for its beautiful variegated leaves that makes it an exotic indoor plant.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Variegated Betel Leaf Mini
Variegated Betel leaf have glossy, heart shaped leaves that are deep green with creamy white flush in the middle region of the leaf. Variegated Betel leaf is a climbing or tailing vine that is prized for its beautiful variegated leaves that makes it an exotic indoor plant.
₹499.00₹199.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Bougainvillea ‘Raspberry Ice’ in hanging Pot
Bougainvillea ‘Raspberry Ice’ or ‘Hawaii’ is a striking specimen with variegated leaves and intense pink bracts. It has a ‘mounding’ habit that is suitable for hanging baskets, Leaves have cream to golden yellow edges, dark gray-green centers, and are tinged with red when new.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -42%Add to cartMORE INFO
Bougainvillea ‘Raspberry Ice’ Mini
Bougainvillea ‘Raspberry Ice’ or ‘Hawaii’ is a striking specimen with variegated leaves and intense pink bracts. It has a ‘mounding’ habit that is suitable for hanging baskets, Leaves have cream to golden yellow edges, dark gray-green centers, and are tinged with red when new.
₹599.00₹349.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Bougainvillea ‘Torch Glow’ (‘Mini Thai’)
Bougainvillea Torch Glow plant is defined by a unique torch-like floral arrangement formed along the substantially upright branching of the shrub that is compact in its branching.Bougainvillea are easy to grow and flower if grown under maximum light and stressed with dryness.
₹999.00₹599.00 - Read more
Justicia Aurea (Yellow Jacobinia)
Justicia Aurea (Yellow Jacobinia) is a herbaceous shrub that hails from Mexico and Central America. This plant has huge, dark green leaves and the flower is similar in appearance to it’s cousin, the Brazilian Plume plant except that it is about 6-8 inches long and bright yellow. The long terminal spikes are carried from late summer to early winter, and can exceed 25 cm in length. Keep the buds forming by removing faded flowerheads promptly. Justicia aurea can be propagated from 10cm cuttings taken in spring and potted up under heat. If left to its own devices, it will reach a height of around 1.5-2m, but ideally it should be pruned back hard in early spring to produce a good compact plant.
₹999.00₹799.00 - Sale! -45%Add to cartMORE INFO
Justicia Carnea (Brazilian Plume Flower)
Justicia Carnea (Brazilian Plume Flower) is tender ornamental shrub with soft, felt leaves and stunning pale pink, plume-like flowers.It is very sensitive to cold, so must only be grown in a warm glasshouse or spot. It grows to a height of 1.2 metres and must be positioned in good light and pruned straight after blooming to encourage repeat flowering.
₹999.00₹549.00 - Sale! -38%Add to cartMORE INFO
Sankrant Vel, Flame Vine
Flame vine is an evergreen rampant climber, It has attractive, dark green compound foliage with 2-8 leaflets. It has branched tendrils that can climb a trellis or other support or cascade over a wall. Common names are Flaming Trumpet, Golden Shower, Flame Vine, Orange Bignonia, Orange Shower, Sankrant Vel,
₹799.00₹499.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Drimiopsis Maculata Variegata ( Variegated Leopard Lilly)
Drimiopsis Maculata is a robust bulbous plant that spreads rapidly and has beautiful Variegated spotted leaves (maculata means “spotted”). Foliage are topped in spring with tall spikes of tiny green and off-white bells, making quite a show when the clumps get large. It is also known as African False Hosta, African Hosta, white soldiers & leopard plant.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Bird Of Paradise
Strelitzia reginae with common names crane flower or bird of paradise. The leaves are bluish green in colour and may have a red midrib. The orange and blue flower has two erect pointed petals and five stamens. One main flower bract, shaped like a boat, is green with red borders.
₹999.00₹399.00 - Sale! -85%Add to cartMORE INFO
Clusia Rosea Princess – Autograph Tree Mini
Clusia rosea is an ornamental leafy houseplant that is remarkably sturdy and easy to care for. Its stiff, leathery leaves are a dark olive green in colour and are said to be so tough, you could carve your name into them – hence the popular name ‘Autograph Tree’.
₹999.00₹149.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Clusia Rosea Variegated (Variegated Autograph Tree)
Variegated Autograph Tree is an ornamental leafy houseplant that is remarkably sturdy and easy to care for. Its stiff, leathery leaves are a dark olive green with yellow variegation in colour and are said to be so tough, you could carve your name into them – hence the popular name ‘Autograph Tree’.
₹1,999.00₹799.00 - Sale! -20%Add to cartMORE INFO
Epiphyllum Pumilum – Queen of the Night Miniature
Queen of the Night is a night-blooming cactus with tall cylindrical stems, bearing elliptic, leaf-like, scalloped, dark green branches. Epiphyllum pumilum is known for its fragrant, white flowers that can get quite large. The flowers’ most distinct characteristic is that they bloom only at night.
₹999.00₹799.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Hari champa, Artabotrys hexapetalus, Champa (Green)
Artabotrys odorattisimus (Hirwa Chafa) Medicinal Plant, It’s common name in India as “Manorangini”, Hari Champa has absolutely intoxicating fragrance, It has Narrowly elliptical leaves producing flowers that are greenish in color and fade to yellow with age and are extremely fragrant. Once picked they are very long lasting and hold their scent for days.
₹1,499.00₹999.00 - Read more
Hari Champa, Artabotrys hexapetalus, Champa (Green) Small
Artabotrys odorattisimus (Hirwa Chafa) Medicinal Plant, It’s common name in India as “Manorangini”, Hari Champa has absolutely intoxicating fragrance, It has Narrowly elliptical leaves producing flowers that are greenish in color and fade to yellow with age and are extremely fragrant. Once picked they are very long lasting and hold their scent for days.