Variegated Plants
Showing 33–64 of 298 results
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Hedera Helix Goldchild (English Ivy) Mini
Hedera Helix Goldchild (English Ivy) Mini is a variegated ivy with small arrow-shaped leaves with three points, the central point largest and longest. A lot of variability in leaf size and yellow coloration. A compact grower good for pots and baskets.
₹499.00₹249.00 - Read more
Variegated Ficus ‘Cristina’
Variegated Ficus ‘Cristina’ common name is Brush Cherries also known as Cristina. The dense leaves and colorful pinkish-red shades from young shoots and pyramid-shaped canopy make it a choice plant for narrow avenue planting; also planted along waterways, parks, and home gardens. The plant is commonly grown as a hedge and provides extensive landscape when sculptured into nice topiaries.
₹1,299.00₹349.00 - Sale! -45%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Maclellandii ‘Alii Variegated’ (Variegated Saber Ficus)
Ficus Maclellandii ‘Alii Variegated’ (Variegated Saber Ficus) is a hardy low light indoor plant with beautiful long Chartreuse with dark green fleckings and bronze. It look best for dark spots and is a hardy indoor plant which grows bushier.
₹999.00₹549.00 - Sale! -43%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Radicans Variegata, Ficus Sagittata
Ficus sagittata is a useful indoor plant that thrives with moderate care. It is grown for its glossy and interesting foliage.
Ficus sagittata ‘Variegata’ is the most popular of Ficus sagittata varieties being more attractive with its variegated leaves: greyish green leaves which are marked with ivory-white.
₹699.00₹399.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Radicans Variegata, Ficus Sagittata Mini
Ficus sagittata is a useful indoor plant that thrives with moderate care. It is grown for its glossy and interesting foliage.
Ficus sagittata ‘Variegata’ is the most popular of Ficus sagittata varieties being more attractive with its variegated leaves: greyish green leaves which are marked with ivory-white.
₹449.00₹299.00 - Sale! -35% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Hosta ‘Stained Glass’
Hosta ‘Stained Glass’ has long, brilliant gold leaves with wide, dark green margins.Variegation appears early in the season and prominent veins throughout give it the look of “stained glass. The blooms are “Large, fragrant, pale lavender flowers appear in late summer. It Exhibits greater sun tolerance.
₹999.00₹649.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Varigated Sun Rose “Aptenia Cordifolia”
Aptenia cordifolia is a species of succulent plant in the ice plant family. The common names of the plant include baby sun rose. This sprawling plant forms a dense mat that grows in flat clumps along the ground from six to twelve inches tall. It has bright green, heart-shaped, succulent leaves and small, reddish-purple to pinkish-purple, button-like flowers with yellow centers. Its flowers bloom from early spring until summer.
₹499.00₹199.00 - Sale! -30%Add to cartMORE INFO
Murdannia Acutifolia Variegata
Tradescantia Murdannia acutifolia variegata is an attractive evergreen perennial from the spiderwort family. It has attractive, green foliage striped with white and produces white, 3-petalled flowers. When grown indoors as a houseplant
₹999.00₹699.00 - Read more
Tradescantia Fluminensis Variegata Mini
Tradescantia fluminensis ”Variegata” is a flexible houseplant with creamy variegated leaves of this plant look striking against its occasional white flowers. Perfect for hanging baskets, the cascading branches produce green leaves variegated with cream or white bands.₹999.00₹239.00 - Read more
Kalanchoe Flapjack Variegated
Kalanchoe Flapjack, is also known as flapjack paddle plant, this succulent kalanchoe plant has with thick, rounded, paddle-shaped leaves. The plant is also known as a red pancake because the leaves frequently take on a reddish or deep pink tint during the winter.
₹499.00₹349.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Tricolor Lavender Scallops, Variegated Kalanchoe,
Kalanchoe ‘Variegata’, commonly called Tricolor Lavender Scallops, is a shrub-forming succulent featuring thick, scalloped, grey-green to purple leaves with cream-colored variegation. The leaf margins will flush to a brilliant pink color during times of stress (Heavy light exposure and drought).
₹299.00₹199.00 - Sale! -52%Add to cartMORE INFO
Crassula falcata “Propeller Plant”
Crassula perfoliata var. falcata (The ‘Propeller Plant’ or ‘Airplane plant’) make a lovely clump/low growing shrub .It has very peculiar grey-green sickle-shaped leaves that are arranged in overlapping pairs along a usually unbranched stem.
₹599.00₹289.00 - Sale! -38%Add to cartMORE INFO
Variegated Jade Plant, Crassula ovata
Crassula ovata ‘Variegata’ is an excellent white and green variegated jade plant. Crassula ovata ‘Variegata’ is a variegated form of the Jade Plant, also known as the Money or Lucky Plant, that features green foliage with stripes of white and yellow, It can also be grown as a specimen plant in rock, succulent or cactus gardens. stunning and elegant succulents.
₹599.00₹369.00 - Read more
Brilliance Autumn Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brilliance’)
Brilliance Autumn Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brilliance’) commonly called Japanese shield fern or autumn fern, is an arching, evergreen (semi-evergreen in cold winter climates) fern that grows in a vase-shaped clump to 2′ tall and as wide. New fronds unfurl in striking shades of orange-red to copper-pink before eventually maturing to glossy deep green by summer.
₹1,999.00₹1,699.00 - Read more
Phlebosia ‘Nicolas Diamond Fern’
Phlebosia ‘Nicolas Diamond’ is an herbaceous, tropical hybrid exhibiting upright to arching stems with deep green fronds that are wavy and curled. Spreads by creeping rhizomes. Nicolas Diamond Fern benefits from the fast growth of its parent Phlebodium and the cold hardiness and drought tolerance of its parent Pyrrosia.
₹1,999.00₹1,449.00 - Sale! -25%Add to cartMORE INFO
Agave Lophantha ‘Quadricolor’
Agave lophantha ‘Quadricolor’ is a very distinctive and attractive small agave to 12 to 18 inches tall by 2 feet wide with 6 to 12 inch long, dark green leaves edged with yellow and having a pale green midstripe. The yellow marginal stripes, highlighted by dark reddish teeth, flush red when grown in bright light to give the leaf four distinct colors. Plant in full sun to bright filtered light in a well-drained soil. Tolerates dry conditions but will grow much faster with regular summer irrigation – keep drier in winter.
₹999.00₹749.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Agave Lophantha ‘Quadricolor’ Mini
Agave lophantha ‘Quadricolor’ is a very distinctive and attractive small agave to 12 to 18 inches tall by 2 feet wide with 6 to 12 inch long, dark green leaves edged with yellow and having a pale green midstripe. The yellow marginal stripes, highlighted by dark reddish teeth, flush red when grown in bright light to give the leaf four distinct colors. Plant in full sun to bright filtered light in a well-drained soil. Tolerates dry conditions but will grow much faster with regular summer irrigation – keep drier in winter.