Plumeria Sukhothai Variegated is one of the newest hybrid Plumerias that has a compact well-branched habit. Flowers are delicate pale while leaves are white silver variegated and light green glossy shade.
Variegated Plants
Showing 161–192 of 298 results
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Radermachera Sinica Variegated ( Variegated Chinadoll)
Variegated Radermachera Sinica, commonly called Variegated China doll, serpent tree or emerald tree, is a broad-leaved evergreen tree that is native to subtropical mountain areas. China doll has become a popular houseplant, featuring bipinnate compound leaves with glossy variegated green leaflets.It has medium to dark green glossy leaves that almost look a bit oily. The leaves are divided into separate leaflets and are generally thin and delicate looking. The blooms are white (but it rarely blooms in the home).
₹2,999.00₹1,249.00 - Read more
Scindapsus Treubii ‘Tricolor’
The Scindapsus Treubii “Moonlight Variegated Tricolor” plant features thick, silvery green leaves with white or yellow variegation. This unique foliage is sure to brighten any space, while its hardy nature makes it a great option for those seeking to bring life to their home or garden.
₹7,499.00₹1,999.00 - Read more
Senecio Macroglossus ‘Variegatus’
Variegated Wax Ivy (Senecio macroglossus ‘Variegatus’) has shiny, waxy leaves that resemble those of English Ivy but without the headache of spider mites or other pests. The variegated, triangular leaves and plump stems of this climbing vine make for a lush hanging basket or trellised climber in a pot. In bright sun, the white stems and leaf edges blush a beautiful pink and purple that creates a lovely contrast with the green.
₹899.00₹599.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Senecio Macroglossus ‘Variegatus’ Mini
Variegated Wax Ivy (Senecio macroglossus ‘Variegatus’) has shiny, waxy leaves that resemble those of English Ivy but without the headache of spider mites or other pests. The variegated, triangular leaves and plump stems of this climbing vine make for a lush hanging basket or trellised climber in a pot. In bright sun, the white stems and leaf edges blush a beautiful pink and purple that creates a lovely contrast with the green.
₹499.00₹199.00 - Read more
Senecio mikanioides (Variegated German Ivy)
Senecio mikanioides (Variegated German Ivy) has shiny, waxy leaves that resemble those of English Ivy but without the headache of spider mites or other pests. The variegated, triangular leaves and plump stems of this climbing vine make for a lush hanging basket or trellised climber in a pot. In bright sun, the white stems and leaf edges blush a beautiful pink and purple that creates a lovely contrast with the green.
₹599.00₹249.00 - Read more
Senecio mikanioides (Variegated German Ivy) in hanging Pot
Variegated Wax Ivy (Senecio macroglossus ‘Variegatus’) has shiny, waxy leaves that resemble those of English Ivy but without the headache of spider mites or other pests. The variegated, triangular leaves and plump stems of this climbing vine make for a lush hanging basket or trellised climber in a pot. In bright sun, the white stems and leaf edges blush a beautiful pink and purple that creates a lovely contrast with the green.
₹899.00₹549.00 - Sale! -70%Add to cartMORE INFO
Clerodendrum Inerme Variegata (Sangam/Vanjai)
Clerodendrum Inerme Variegata (Sangam/Vanjai) is an evergreen sprawling shrub with woody and smooth stems. Leaves are ovate to elliptical long, acute to acuminate tip, variegated lime with some whitish tinge, smooth, slightly shiny upper surface, pinnate venation, margins entire, leaves opposite, simple. Cyme or umbel usually comprised of 3 flowers joined at a common base point; corolla white, fused, with 5 lobes; stamens 4, reddish to purple and upwardly curved.
₹999.00₹299.00 - Sale! -44%Add to cartMORE INFO
Graptophyllum Pictum ( Caricature Plant )
Graptophyllum pictum, commonly called caricature plant, It has has oval shaped glossy dark mahogany colored foliage with creamy white variegation splashed down the center of each leaf. The stems are usually reddish and contrast nicely with the leaves. It has Reddish purple or pinkish purple flowers are tubular and located near the stem tips.
₹899.00₹499.00 - Read more
Pandorea jasminoides ‘Variegata’ (Variegated Bower Vine)
₹499.00Variegated Bower Vine is a fast growing, woody climbing vine with delicate, trumpet shaped flowers. The flower is soft pink with a distinctive magenta center, and the leaves are variegated. This graceful vine is an excellent choice for covering arbors, fences and trellises. It does well in full sun or partial shade.
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Polyscias Scutellaria “Variegata” (Shield Aralia)
Polyscias scutellaria is commonly known as Shield Aralia, Plum Aralia or Balfour Aralia. In its natural habitat this tree can reach up to 6 meters in height. The leaves range in color from light green to dark green and some varieties have green and cream colored variegated leaves.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -30%Add to cartMORE INFO
Red Hot Variegated Tropical Hibiscus
Red Hot Variegated Tropical Hibiscus is best known for its multiple colored foliage with leaves from green, to light pinky-red to deep red with red flower.This strong characteristic makes it a wonderful plant for color everyday in the garden during the warm season.
₹499.00₹349.00 - Read more
Solanum Jasminoides Album Variegatum / Variegated Nightshade Jasmine
Album Variegatum’ is a tender, semi-evergreen to evergreen, twining, perennial climber bearing narrowly ovate to lance-shaped, glossy, dark green leaves with irregular, bright yellow margins and fragrant, white flowers from early summer into autumn.
₹1,799.00₹999.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Trachelospermum Asiaticum ‘Summer Sunset’
Trachelospermum Asiaticum ‘Summer Sunset’ known as Tricolor Star Jasmine is a variegated, classic evergreen twining low ground cover or entwined on a trellis. Highly perfumed white star like flowers in spring and summer. Glossy green leaves with splashes of yellow and pink.
₹499.00₹299.00 - Sale! -30%Add to cartMORE INFO
Trachelospermum Jasminoides Tricolor (Tricolor Star Jasmine)
Trachelospermum Jasminoides Tricolour commonly known as Tricolor Star Jasmine is a variegated, classic evergreen twining low ground cover or entwined on a trellis. Highly perfumed white star like flowers in spring and summer. Glossy green leaves with splashes of white and pink.
₹499.00₹349.00 - Read more
Vanilla planifolia ‘Variegata’ (Variegated Vanilla)
Vanilla planifolia ‘Variegata’ (Variegated Vanilla) is a rare climbing orchid grown not only for its ability to produce vanilla pods but its stunning variegated foliage. Large green/yellow flowers are produced which must be hand pollinated in order for them to produce the pods.
₹1,499.00₹699.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Vanilla Planifolia Mini
Vanilla planifolia is a rare climbing orchid grown not only for its ability to produce vanilla pods but its stunning green foliage. Large green/yellow flowers are produced which must be hand pollinated in order for them to produce the pods.
₹599.00₹299.00 - Read more
Adenium Obesum Variegated
Adenium Obesum Variegated have swollen, often twisted trunk, which is pale gray. The leaves have splashing whitish variegation and are glossy and club-shaped. The flowers appear almost continuously, are prominent bell shaped, and are pink, red or white in color.Perfect for water conserving gardens as it is drought resistant. Can be a houseplant if grown by a window, but prefers to be outdoors in full to partial sun.
₹1,999.00₹1,499.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Variegated Adenium Bonsai
Variegated Adenium Bonsai have swollen, often twisted trunk, which is pale gray. The leaves are glossy and club-shaped. The flowers appear almost continuously, are prominent bell shaped, and are pink in color.Perfect for water conserving gardens as it is drought resistant. Can be a houseplant if grown by a window, but prefers to be outdoors in full to partial sun.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Read more
Variegated Betel Leaf
Variegated Betel leaf have glossy, heart shaped leaves that are deep green with creamy white flush in the middle region of the leaf. Variegated Betel leaf is a climbing or tailing vine that is prized for its beautiful variegated leaves that makes it an exotic indoor plant.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Variegated Betel Leaf Mini
Variegated Betel leaf have glossy, heart shaped leaves that are deep green with creamy white flush in the middle region of the leaf. Variegated Betel leaf is a climbing or tailing vine that is prized for its beautiful variegated leaves that makes it an exotic indoor plant.