Low Maintenance Plants
Showing 129–160 of 976 results
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Mistletoe Fig (Ficus deltoidea)
Ficus Deltoidea is quite an unusual plant that has shiny, waxy, green leaves at the top and the bottom is a golden yellow color. This is a compact little fig which has spoon shaped, leathery green leaves. It also has these interesting triangular black spots on the underside of the leaves in between the leaf veins. The plant also produces yellowish, non-edible figs.
₹1,299.00₹599.00 - Sale! -23% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Mistletoe Fig Gold (Ficus deltoidea Golden)
Ficus Deltoidea Gold is quite an unusual plant that has shiny, waxy, Golden leaves at the top and the bottom. This is a compact little fig which has spoon shaped, leathery golden leaves. It also has these interesting triangular black spots on the underside of the leaves in between the leaf veins. The plant also produces yellowish, non-edible figs.
₹1,299.00₹999.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Peperomia ‘Nivalis’
Peperomia nivalis is evergreen, creeping or upright succulent plant. It can reach up to 15 cm tall, with fleshy stems containing anise-scented sap. The leaves are boat-shaped, fleshy, bright green, white or white-flushed pink below, densely borne at the ends of the stems.
₹449.00₹349.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Peperomia ferreyrae ‘Happy Bean’
The numerous thick but narrow thick leaves of this small plant are apple green, curved and pointed, looking a lot like green beans, as the name Happy Bean suggests. The dark stripe along the top of the leaf is actually a translucent window: light enters through this opening to green cells inside the leave which is where the plant carries out its photosynthesis.
₹449.00₹299.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Peperomia Wolfgang-Krahnii
Peperomia Wolfgang-Krahnii a beautiful species from peru has grey-green leaves that can have 5 inches of the shrub. Leaves alternate from the top being grey-greened and warty, while the bottom is folded with smooth and shiny leaves.
₹499.00₹299.00 - Read more
AEONIUM ARBORESCENS ‘NIGRUM’ is one of the most celebrated succulents. This red and green succulent turns almost black when grown in full sun. Its stems with leaves arranged in rosette shape on top give the impression of flowers. These are available in various leaf colors. The leaves are leathery, oblong, and symmetrical.
₹499.00₹379.00 - Read more
Echeveria Nodulosa ‘Maruba Benitsukasa’
Echeveria Nodulosa ‘Maruba Benitsukasa’ is a gorgeous japanese cultivar, with a more abundant production of leaves, arranged in glowing rosettes.Leaves are lanceolate and slightly curved upwards, mainly red, but with two elongated staines tinged in a greyish-green, resulting in a wonderful contrast of colours.
₹899.00₹599.00 - Read more
Senecio Anteuphorbium (Swizzle Sticks)
Senecio Anteuphorbium (Swizzle Sticks) has long arching pale gray green segmented round stems striated with darker longitudinal lines and small gray-green lanceolate leaves that lie appressed along the stems near the branch tips. In fall appear the fragrant rayless flowers that have white disk flowers with yellow stigmas and anthers.
₹499.00₹269.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Senecio Crassissimus (Vertical Leaf Senecio)
Senecio Crassissimus (Vertical Leaf Senecio) is a perennial subshrub that can grow up to 60 cm in height and 45 cm in width. Its stems are thick, erect, and purplish green. The leaves that are long, flat, waxy and grey-green in color with vibrant purple edges. From mid-summer to fall, the plant produces bright yellow daisy-like flowers from stalks that are up 60 cm tall.
₹499.00₹249.00 - Read more
Senecio Kleiniiformis ‘Spear Head’
Senecio kleiniiformis, commonly called spear head, is a slow-growing succulent with light gray-green fleshy leaves and stalks, This Senecio is a succulent shrub producing long chalky blue-green leaves that end in a ‘Spear Head’ shape. The very dramatic leaf shape makes this plant a great candidate to be in a pot on it’s own.