Low Maintenance Plants
Showing 257–288 of 976 results
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Dracaena Fragrans ‘Victoria White’
Dracaena Fragrans ‘Victoria White’ is a rare exotic evergreen shrub with a stout tan stem topped by a rosette of long, sword-shaped leaves. Narrow and arching, the shiny leaves are striped with grey-deep green down their center. The most exotic types of leaves on the Corn plant are white on the outer edge and green in the center has proved to remove a considerable amount of toxins from the environment.
₹999.00₹799.00 - Sale! -31%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dracaena Reflexa (Song of Jamaica)
Dracaena reflexa (Song of Jamaica) is a multi-stemmed shrub with whorls of strappy lime green & dark green variegated leaves.It is widely grown as an ornamental plant and houseplant, valued for its richly coloured, evergreen leaves, and thick, irregular stems.
₹649.00₹449.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dracaena Surculosa ”Milky Way”
Dracaena Surculosa ”Milky Way” is an unusual form of Dracaena with thin arching stems and bright showy foliage. The regular species has heavy cream spots on the leaf, the ‘Milky Way’ form has a bold white splash down the center of the leaf. Bright shade, good drainage. A perfect exotic house plant in bright light.
₹499.00₹299.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dwarf Murraya Paniculata (Dwarf Kamini Bonsai)
Dwarf Murraya Paniculata is a dwarf variety of kamini plant is a natural bonsai tree. The tiny leaves and random ramifications are noticeable on this plant which is very essential for bonsai. A beginner bonsai maker should start with this tree.Water the plant infrequently, allowing it to dry somewhat between watering.
₹999.00₹599.00 - Sale! -17%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dwarf Murraya Paniculata Large (Dwarf Kamini Bonsai)
Dwarf Murraya Paniculata is a dwarf variety of kamini plant is a natural bonsai tree. The tiny leaves and random ramifications are noticeable on this plant which is very essential for bonsai. A beginner bonsai maker should start with this tree.Water the plant infrequently, allowing it to dry somewhat between watering.
₹1,499.00₹1,249.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Madhu kamini Muraya (Satin Wood)
Madhu Kamini, is a tropical, evergreen shrub or small tree. This plant bearing small, white, scented flowers, which is grown as an ornamental tree or hedge. The plant flowers throughout the year. Its leaves are glabrous and glossy. The flowers are white bell-shaped with aromatic orange-like fragrance.
₹1,499.00₹999.00 - Sale! -56%Add to cartMORE INFO
Epipremnum Amplissimum “Silver Streak” (Rhaphidophora Amplissimia)
Epipremnum Amplissimum “Silver Streak” also known as Pothos Amplifolia and Rhaphidophora Amplissimia have long lance-shaped leaves that cover the vines closely together, nearly like armour, and each leaf becomes lined with silvery stripes oriented with the leafs vein. This variety is rare to find and the leaves make become green as it turns mature.
₹799.00₹349.00 - Sale! -83% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Epipremnum Amplissimum Green
Epipremnum Amplissimum green also known as Pothos Amplifolia and Rhaphidophora Amplissimia have long lance-shaped leaves that cover the vines closely together, nearly like armour, and each leaf becomes lined with green stripes oriented with the leafs vein.
₹599.00₹99.00 - Sale! -53%Add to cartMORE INFO
Banana Croton (Codiaeum variegatum)
Banana Apple Leaf Plant is an extremely beautiful Croton whose foliage produces vivid shades of green and golden yellow when planted in warm frost-free areas. Banana leaf enjoys a sheltered patio which makes a wonderful specimen plant for a feature pot.
₹799.00₹379.00 - Read more
Croton Picasso’s Paintbrush
Croton Picasso’s Paintbrush is a true work of art. The dense, multicoloured, narrow leaves are held together at the base like a bouquet of wispy ribbons. A closer look reveals the gradation of colour hues that are defined by a prominent center stripe. The brighter light it receives, the stronger its colouring will be.
₹799.00₹549.00 - Sale! -70%Add to cartMORE INFO
Croton Apple Leaf
Croton Apple Leaf Plant is an extremely colourful Croton whose foliage produces vivid shades of red, green and golden yellow when planted in warm frost-free areas. Apple leaf enjoys a sheltered patio which makes a wonderful specimen plant for a feature pot.
₹1,999.00₹599.00 - Read more
Croton Apple Leaf Mini
Croton Apple Leaf Plant is an extremely colourful Croton whose foliage produces vivid shades of red, green and golden yellow when planted in warm frost-free areas. Apple leaf enjoys a sheltered patio which makes a wonderful specimen plant for a feature pot.
₹599.00₹399.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Croton, Codiaeum Variegatum
Croton, Codiaeum variegatum has leathery type leaves can vary in color and size depending on which variety it is, however, a grower is guaranteed interesting colors appearing – which turn from green to a deep purple quite often.
₹799.00₹399.00 - Sale! -55%Add to cartMORE INFO
Excoecaria Bicolor – (Laila Majnu) Plant
Excoecaria Bicolor – (Laila Majnu) Plant is a shrub that grows to a height of 2 meters. Excoecaria Plant is an evergreen shrub with arching branches. Typical plants have opposite, shiny green leaves with burgundy undersides. A variegated form is more common in the nursery trade. Inconspicuous white flowers are borne in the leaf axils.
₹549.00₹249.00 - Sale! -36%Add to cartMORE INFO
Excoecaria Cochinchinensis (Chinese Croton)
Excoecaria Cochinchinensis is a shrub that grows to a height of 2 meters. Leaves are alternate, oblong, acuminate, long and wide, bright green with some creamy variegation above and crimson red below. Flowers are small and greenish. Excoecaria cochinchinensis also known as Chinese Croton can be grown in pots as a houseplant in bright sunlight.
₹549.00₹349.00 - Sale! -57%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Benjamina Starlight
Ficus Benjamina Starlight is a tropical, evergreen tree with shiny, pointed leaves that are oval shaped, and branches that droop downwards. “Starlight” has brilliant variegated leaves, but is relatively slow-growing compared to the species. Ficus plant prefers full sun to partial shade with moderate watering.
₹699.00₹299.00 - Sale! -58%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Lyrata ‘Bambino’ Large
Ficus Lyrata Bambino is a dwarf variety of Fiddle Leaf has an extremely compact, upright, branching nature; slightly smaller and thicker leaves compared to Ficus lyrata, but still with the same amazing fiddle-shape and somewhat lighter veining. They are ideal house plants, adding rich, green foliage and filtering the air of unwanted pollutants at the same time.
₹2,999.00₹1,249.00 - Sale! -78%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus lyrata Bambino – Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Small
Ficus Lyrata Bambino is a dwarf variety of Fiddle Leaf has an extremely compact, upright, branching nature; slightly smaller and thicker leaves compared to Ficus lyrata, but still with the same amazing fiddle-shape and somewhat lighter veining. They are ideal house plants, adding rich, green foliage and filtering the air of unwanted pollutants at the same time.