Plant Combos
Showing 65–96 of 104 results
- Sale! -65%Add to cartMORE INFO
Greening Viny Combo
Greening Viny Combo consist of 6 beautiful plants for hanging spots in your beautiful Home Gardens. It consists of six viny plants viz. Rhipsalis mistletoe, hindu rope hoya, hoya Chelsea, hoya sheperdii, hedera helix green & Peperomia hope.
₹4,299.00₹1,499.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Mini Hoya Combo
Mini Hoya Combo is a mixture of 5 different mini hoyas and 2 dischidia viz. Hindu rope Hoya,which has
Hoya Carnosa ‘Krimson Queen’ Mini, Hoya Heuschkeliana Variegata, Hoya ‘Krimson Princess’ Mini, Hoya Longifolia Shepherdii, Hoya Carnosa ‘Chelsea’₹2,499.00₹999.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Oxycardium Trio Combo
Tri Color Philodendron Combo consist of 3 amazing Philodendron plants with stunning beauty. It contain Philodendron Oxycardium Green Plant, Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Aureum’ or ‘Lemon-Lime Mini, Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Brasil Mini”.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -75%Add to cartMORE INFO
Rare Foliage Mixer
Rare Foliage Mixer is an combo of 4 hardy and rare plants viz. Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’ (Philodendron Erubescens), Syngonium Podophyllum ‘Pink Spot’, Epipremnum “Pinnatum Albo Variegata”, Rhaphidophora ‘Tetrasperma’ (Mini Monstera Plant).
₹7,999.00₹1,999.00 - Sale! -64%Add to cartMORE INFO
Trending Philodendron Combo
Trending Philodendron Combo is a combo of nine latest collection of rare aroids viz. Philondendron Atabapoense, brandiatum, Gloriosum, Gloriosum zebra, pink Princess, Fibraecataphyllum, billietiae, red heart and Nangaritense.
₹5,555.00₹1,999.00 - Read more
Anthurium Paradise Combo
Anthurium Paradise Combo has 7 beautiful an healthy Anthuriums which has is a glossy heart-shaped flowers are actually spathes that last for several weeks, Some varieties have spathe colors that are pink, white. Long, dark-green leathery leaves grow long, held on upright stems. It grows best in bright, indirect light.
₹4,999.00₹2,999.00 - Read more
Anthurium Set of 3 Combo
Anthurium set of 3 combo has 3 beautiful an healthy Anthuriums which has is a glossy heart-shaped flowers are actually spathes that last for several weeks, Some varieties have spathe colors that are peach , white and purple with long dark-green leathery leaves grow long, held on upright stems. It grows best in bright, indirect light.
₹2,999.00₹1,499.00 - Sale! -57%Add to cartMORE INFO
Cordyline Fruticosa Dual Combo
Cordyline Fruticosa Dual Combo has two beautiful Cordyline plants which are Cordyline Fruticosa Mambo and Cordyline Fruticosa ‘Rumba’ with beautiful coloured tropical plant, perfect for adding a lush, tropical feel to indoor spaces.
₹1,399.00₹599.00 - Sale! -53%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Lyrata Medium Combo
Ficus Lyrata Medium Combo consist two Ficus Lyrata plants, These are luxurious exotix houseplant whose leaves have prominent veins through the center and from the center to the edge of the leaves. They are ideal house plants, adding rich, green foliage and filtering the air of unwanted pollutants at the same time.
₹1,799.00₹849.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Lyrata Mini Combo
Ficus Lyrata Mini Combo consist two mini Ficus Lyrata which are Ficus lyrata Bambino – Dwarf and Lyrata Ficus plants, These are luxurious exotix houseplant whose leaves have prominent veins through the center and from the center to the edge of the leaves. They are ideal house plants, adding rich, green foliage and filtering the air of unwanted pollutants at the same time.
₹999.00₹599.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Lotus Bamboo Stick Set of 5
Lotus bamboo Stick is also known as rose bamboo or flower bamboo. It is so named because its leaf bracts resemble lotus flowers. It is Dracaena deremensis, syn. Dracaena compacta. Lotus bamboo retains an erect form, and in maturity forms a cluster of sculpturally imposing leaf-covered columns. The plant’s common name suggests associations with the symbolism of bamboo and lotus, in which bamboo stands for longevity and vitality, while lotus symbolizes purity and good fortune.
₹1,499.00₹999.00 - Sale! -77%Add to cartMORE INFO
Scindapsus ‘Silver Hero’
Scindapsus ‘Silver Hero’ is an uncommon tropical indoor plant that sports heart shaped leaves that are almost completely silver. It will give more silvery leaves only when u place it in bright indirect light so choose the spot accordingly.
₹999.00₹229.00 - Sale! -47%Add to cartMORE INFO
Spiral Bamboo Stick (Combo of 10)
Combo of 10 Spiral Bamboo Stick has 50 to 60cm height same as shown in product images. Bamboo can be the perfect living decoration for the home or office. They are perfect low light houseplants with low maintenance. This extremely easy-to-grow plant is often given as a gift for luck or for money.