Family 1
Showing 353–384 of 496 results
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Dieffenbachia ‘Star Bright’
Dieffenbachia ‘Star Bright’ bears narrower leaves than many other dieffenbachia varieties is an excellent houseplant with golden-green leaves splashed in dark green.It is an ideal houseplant, especially for bathroom, with golden-green leaves mottled in dark green shade.
₹699.00₹499.00 - Sale! -42%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia ‘Black Magic’
Dieffenbachia ‘Black Magic’ have large gorgeous leaves that look hand painted with their contrasting white veins. This variety features a striking dark green foliage with a white strip of color down the midrib of the leaf which provides a beautiful contrast.
₹599.00₹349.00 - Sale! -80% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata’
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata ’ have large gorgeous variegated leaves that look hand painted with their contrasting white veins. This variety features a striking dark green and creamy variegated foliage with a white strip of color down the midrib of the leaf which provides a beautiful contrast.
₹2,000.00₹399.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata’ Large
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata ’ have large gorgeous variegated leaves that look hand painted with their contrasting white veins. This variety features a striking dark green and creamy variegated foliage with a white strip of color down the midrib of the leaf which provides a beautiful contrast.
₹4,999.00₹1,299.00 - Read more
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling’ Large
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling’ have large gorgeous leaves that look hand painted with their contrasting white veins.This variety features a striking dark green foliage with a white strip of color down the midrib of the leaf which provides a beautiful contrast.
₹1,399.00₹999.00 - Sale! -75%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia ‘Delilah’
Dieffenbachia ‘Delilah’ is a very rare dumb cane as its leaves are 12 to 14 inches long by 6 to 8 inches wide, but the leaf color is very bright white that has centers with dark green splotches and margins which makes the plant noticed. The leaves are thick and waxy, making the plant resistant to insects and diseases.
₹3,999.00₹999.00 - Sale! -77%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia ‘Delilah’ Mini
Dieffenbachia ‘Delilah’ is a very rare dumb cane as its leaves are 12 to 14 inches long by 6 to 8 inches wide, but the leaf color is very bright white that has centers with dark green splotches and margins which makes the plant noticed. The leaves are thick and waxy, making the plant resistant to insects and diseases.
₹1,299.00₹299.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia arlatorei Linden
Dieffenbachia parlatorei Linden is stunning cultivar of dumb cane has large, showy foliage with bold green pattern and green variegation surface which is dark green in touch, creating a beautiful camouflage-like appearance.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -63% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia Big Ben Variegated
Dieffenbachia ‘Big Ben’ variegated is a large-form specimen plant that has incredibly beautiful green and white variegation patterns. As the plant matures, it develops thick canes that resemble bamboo and a grow style that resembles a banana plant.
₹1,999.00₹749.00 - Sale! -75% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia MilkyWay
Dieffenbachia ‘Milky Way’ is a tropical plant with striking, variegated leaves that resemble a starry night. It’s also known as the Dumb Cane plant and is a popular choice for indoor spaces because it’s easy to care for and acts as a natural air purifier.
₹999.00₹249.00 - Sale! -11%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia ‘Tropic Marianne’
Dieffenbachia ‘Tropic Marianne’ features a pale yellowish-green leaf with a dark green edge border. The leaves also have a white stripe down the midrib of the leaf.Tropic Marianne dieffenbachia shows off creamy-white leaves strongly variegated with rich green. In good conditions the leaves may be 12 inches wide. Tropic Marianne can reach 36 inches or more tall.
₹899.00₹799.00 - Sale! -10%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia Seguine Or Tropic Snow
This plant has an exotic appeal and has wonderfully shaped leaves with brush strokes of cream, yellow and white which enhance the shape of the leaves. The rich color of green with its brush strokes of color allow this plant to stand out and shout out to be seen in your home.
₹999.00₹899.00 - Sale! -57%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia Memoria Corsii
Dieffenbachia Memoria corsii is an attractive medium sized plant with grey-green leaves which are mottled with white spots.It is a showstopper: a lush houseplant with grayish green foliage speckled with cream-colored dots that are like a burst of fireworks.
₹699.00₹299.00 - Read more
Dieffenbachia Memoria Corsii large
Dieffenbachia Memoria corsii is an attractive medium sized plant with grey-green leaves which are mottled with white spots.It is a showstopper: a lush houseplant with grayish green foliage speckled with cream-colored dots that are like a burst of fireworks.