Allamanda Schottii ‘ Silver’, Golden Trumpet has Silver-coloured leaves are elliptic in shape. Young leaves are slightly folded in a boat-like shape.
Showing 289–320 of 434 results
Ficus Benjamina Starlight is a tropical, evergreen tree with shiny, pointed leaves that are oval shaped, and branches that droop downwards. “Starlight” has brilliant variegated leaves, but is relatively slow-growing compared to the species. Ficus plant prefers full sun to partial shade with moderate watering.
Ficus Pumila ‘Variegata’ is a neat, self-clinging, evergreen climber with dark green leaves margined in creamy-white. It is commonly known as variegated creeping fig, after the attractive foliage. Nearer the growing tip, the leaves are brighter and smaller, with branches becoming woody as they age.
Ficus Pumila ‘Variegata’ is a neat, self-clinging, evergreen climber with dark green leaves margined in creamy-white. It is commonly known as variegated creeping fig, after the attractive foliage. Nearer the growing tip, the leaves are brighter and smaller, with branches becoming woody as they age.
Green Island ficus should be used much more but many people don’t know this handsome, award-winning shrub that’s prized for its low-maintenance qualities. It has deep green and glossy leaves, and forms a very manicured look. It is versatile as well, taking both sun or shade.
Green Island ficus should be used much more but many people don’t know this handsome, award-winning shrub that’s prized for its low-maintenance qualities. It has deep green and glossy leaves, and forms a very manicured look. It is versatile as well, taking both sun or shade.
Ficus Triangularis also know as the Sweetheart Tree is a beautiful plant that have deep green,tough, glossy leaves with a cool, unique triangular shape. The Triangle Fig is resilient, easy to care for and helps clean the air of pollutants.
Ficus Triangularis Variegata also know as the Sweetheart Tree is a beautiful plant that have deep green,tough, glossy variegation leaves with a cool, unique triangular shape. The Triangle Fig is resilient, easy to care for and helps clean the air of pollutants.
Dracaena surculosa punctulata ‘Sierra Leone’ A slow-growing and hardy Dracaena with bamboo-like stems and glossy leaves that produce creamy yellow spots in the summer. A really fantastic indoor or patio pot plant, or planted in the garden in a shady spot.
Hoya kerrii ‘ have unique waxy foliage that resembles heart-shaped leaves whose foliage is green .A mature Heartleaf Hoya produces clusters of fragrant light pink flowers with a maroon eye that often cover themselves in a clear honey-colored nectar.
Hoya kerrii ‘Variegata’ have unique waxy foliage that resembles heart-shaped leaves whose foliage have creamy-white border with a green center.A mature variegated Heartleaf Hoya produces clusters of fragrant light pink flowers with a maroon eye that often cover themselves in a clear honey-colored nectar.
Piper Ornatum aka Red Betel leaf have glossy, heart shaped leaves that are olive green with pink and silver mottling. The back of the leaf is blood red. Piper ornatum has slender stems bearing pointed, heart-shaped leaves long and wide whose leaves have reddish, long leaf-stalks, which are attached not at the end of the leaf, but slightly toward the middle. Leaf surface are puckered. The upper surface is olive green heavily spotted with pinkish silver markings. The pink tinge is almost pronounced wherever a marking occurs near main veins. Leaves undersides are unmarked deep maroon. Piper crocatum is a climbing or tailing vine that is prized for its colourful leaves that makes it an exotic indoor plant.
Piper Ornatum aka Red Betel leaf have glossy, heart shaped leaves that are olive green with pink and silver mottling. The back of the leaf is blood red. Piper ornatum has slender stems bearing pointed, heart-shaped leaves long and wide whose leaves have reddish, long leaf-stalks, which are attached not at the end of the leaf, but slightly toward the middle. Leaf surface are puckered. The upper surface is olive green heavily spotted with pinkish silver markings. The pink tinge is almost pronounced wherever a marking occurs near main veins. Leaves undersides are unmarked deep maroon. Piper crocatum is a climbing or tailing vine that is prized for its colourful leaves that makes it an exotic indoor plant.
Chinese Lantern is an evergreen shrub producing an abundance of showy, orange, bell-shaped flowers adorned with prominent crimson veining. The flowers resemble Chinese lanterns, The leaves are shiny, maple-like and dark green.
Chinese Lantern is an evergreen shrub producing an abundance of showy, orange, bell-shaped flowers adorned with prominent crimson veining. The flowers resemble Chinese lanterns, The leaves are shiny, maple-like and dark green.
Crossandra infundibuliformis ‘Orange Sherbert’ This type of Clusters of widely flaring soft orange flowers are borne from spring to fall to year-round under warm tropical conditions and are held above and among the rich deep green foliage .
The Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant, or Brunfelsia latifolia, got its more common name because of its fragrant two-inch blooms. These flowers last for three days and change color with each day. The first day they are purple (yesterday), the second day they change to a pastel lavender shade (today), and on the third day they change to an almost white color (tomorrow). Because each flower lasts for three days and goes through this colorful transformation, it is easy to tell whether it is a yesterday bloom or a shade representing today and tomorrow.
Cineraria plants are beautiful small flowering plants. These plants are tender perennial plants that produce pretty flowers. the unique feature is that their flowers often have surprising similarities with the daisy. Cineraria flowers come in different colors like red, white, purple.
Clematis ligusticifolia With stunning diversity, Ranjai Plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. A medium size climber with tomentose branches. Leaves simple or ternate. Flowers of ranjai plant are beautiful white color and Stems are velvet hairy.
Clerodendrum Inerme Variegata (Sangam/Vanjai) is an evergreen sprawling shrub with woody and smooth stems. Leaves are ovate to elliptical long, acute to acuminate tip, variegated lime with some whitish tinge, smooth, slightly shiny upper surface, pinnate venation, margins entire, leaves opposite, simple. Cyme or umbel usually comprised of 3 flowers joined at a common base point; corolla white, fused, with 5 lobes; stamens 4, reddish to purple and upwardly curved.