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Chamaedorea Metallica Palm
Chamaedorea Metallica Palm has foliage with a dark metallic blue green sheen like the colour of gunmetal. This single stemmed palm has leaves in the shape of a chalice or fish s tail being simple, undivided and notched at the tip.Common Name: Metal Palm, Metallic Palm, Miniature Fishtail Palm, Dwarf Fishtail Palm.
₹1,999.00₹649.00 - Read more
Cycas Pectinata Palm
Cycas pectinata is a slow-growing, evergreen palm-like plant with an erect, occasionally branched main stem that can eventually be around, Stem is topped by a crown of 30 – 40 large long leaves , The plant can lose its leaves in cool or dry conditions.
₹2,999.00₹1,099.00 - Sale! -17%Add to cartMORE INFO
Pencil Pine Cypress, Cupressus sempervirens
Pencil Pine Cypress is an evergreen conifer with a very narrow, pencil-shaped crown. Pencil Pine Cypress is native to southern Europe and western and commonly called Italian cypress which belongs to the Cupressaceae family.Cupressus sempervirens is a medium-sized coniferous evergreen tree.
They can grow remarkably tall, slender, almost pencil shaped. The leaves are needle-like and dark green at all times of the year. The young trees can sometimes be mistaken for Morpankhi. The main difference is that Morphankhi has all leaves and branchlets in one plane
₹599.00₹499.00 - Sale! -23%Add to cartMORE INFO
Pinanga coronata (Ivory Cane Palm)
A very attractive medium sized clumping palm . New leaves often emerge with a very attractive and intense salmon colored hue changing over time to green with a light ornamental mottling. An elegant clumping palm with light coloured trunks which can be used as a feature, as well as mass planted to provide privacy screening
₹1,299.00₹999.00 - Sale! -57%Add to cartMORE INFO
Sago Palm (Cycas Revoluta)
Sago Palm leaves are pinnately compound, dark green color on a thick shaggy trunk. The trunk is very low to subterranean in young plants, but lengthens above ground with age. It grow out into a feather like rosette. The basal leaflets become more like spines
₹2,999.00₹1,299.00 - Read more
Veitch’s Screw-pine
Veitchii’ (synonymous with and sometimes called Pandanus veitchii) is a variegated cultivar that features spiny, pale green leaves with striking white margins. Some experts maintain that Pandanus veitchii is a species native to Madagascar. Common name of screw pine comes from the spirally arranged leaves (screw-like spiral around stem) and the pineapple like fruit which also resembles a large pine cone. Fruits mature from green to yellow to red, and are fragrant when ripe. Fruits are a significant food source in Micronesia (eaten raw or cooked).
₹2,499.00₹1,499.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Areca Palm (Dypsis Lutescens)
Dypsis Lutescens also known as Areca Palm is a very popular inexpensive indoor air purifying plant with multiple stems that emerge from the base. The fronds are arched, long, and pinnate, with 40-60 pairs of leaflets. It bears panicles of yellow flowers in summer. It’s relatively disease-free and topped a NASA study of the 10 best air purifying plants.
₹299.00₹199.00 - Sale! -20%Add to cartMORE INFO
Areca Palm (Dypsis Lutescens) Medium
Dypsis Lutescens also known as Areca Palm is a very popular inexpensive indoor air purifying plant with multiple stems that emerge from the base. The fronds are arched, long, and pinnate, with 40-60 pairs of leaflets. It bears panicles of yellow flowers in summer. It’s relatively disease-free and topped a NASA study of the 10 best air purifying plants.
₹499.00₹399.00 - Sale! -20%Add to cartMORE INFO
Chamaedorea Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans)
Chamaedorea Elegans has bright green leaves on slender, arching stems. The leaves are pinnate, meaning it has feathered leaflets arranged on either side of the stem. With the Parlour Palm, these leaflets form opposite pairs and there can be as many as 40 leaflets on each leaf. Small yellow flowers appear on mature plants if they have sufficient light. Chamaedorea elegans also has the Latin name Neanthe bella. Its common names are Parlour Palm and Dwarf Mountain Palm.
₹459.00₹369.00 - Read more
Syagrus Species, Miniature Coconut Palm,
A very graceful plant. Is a lot tougher than it looks. They grow well in temperate climates as well as subtropical areas. They have a very thin trunk, and arching, very fine wispy leaves and fine leaflets. Closely related to the Queen palm older palms look very fragile and precarious.
₹999.00₹699.00 - Sale! -31%Add to cartMORE INFO
Chamaedorea Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans) Large
Chamaedorea Elegans has bright green leaves on slender, arching stems. The leaves are pinnate, meaning it has feathered leaflets arranged on either side of the stem. With the Parlour Palm, these leaflets form opposite pairs and there can be as many as 40 leaflets on each leaf. Small yellow flowers appear on mature plants if they have sufficient light. Chamaedorea elegans also has the Latin name Neanthe bella. Its common names are Parlour Palm and Dwarf Mountain Palm.
₹799.00₹549.00 - Read more
Cyperus Alternifolius ‘Variegatus’ (Umbrella plant)
Cyperus alternifolius, commonly called umbrella plant or umbrella palm, is a perennial sedge that features a grass-like clump of triangular green stems, Each stem is topped by a whorl of 10-25 drooping leaf-like bracts that resemble the ribs of a raised umbrella. Flowers in greenish-brown clusters appear in summer in the bract axils.
₹599.00₹449.00 - Sale! -13%Add to cartMORE INFO
Nolina Palm (Beaucarnea Recurvata)
Beaucarnea Recurvata (Nolina Palm) have long narrow curly, dark green leaves flow up from the base much like a plume of water in a fountain. Commonly known as ponytail palm, Nolina bears narrow, gray-green or dark green foliage that arches out from a large bulb like trunk, causing it to some what resemble a palm.
₹399.00₹349.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Nolina Palm (Beaucarnea Recurvata) Medium
Beaucarnea Recurvata (Nolina Palm) have long narrow curly, dark green leaves flow up from the base much like a plume of water in a fountain. Commonly known as ponytail palm, Nolina bears narrow, gray-green or dark green foliage that arches out from a large bulb like trunk, causing it to some what resemble a palm.
₹899.00₹599.00 - Sale! -31%Add to cartMORE INFO
Rhapis Excelsa Large (Broadleaf Lady Palm)
Rhapis Excelsa also known as Broadleaf Lady Palm is a plant with broad, dark green, fan-shaped foliage on tall stalks which have an oriental appeal.Rhapis excelsa grows up to 4 m in height and 30 mm in diameter in multi-stemmed clumps with glossy, palmate evergreen leaves divided into broad, ribbed segments.
₹1,299.00₹899.00 - Read more
Rhapis Multifida Finger Palm
Raphis Multifida Finger Palm is the ultimate,rare & slow growing Lady Palm. With its fan leaves split into many very narrow segments and its slender canes, it has a much more elegant appearance than the common R. excelsa, yet it is just as cold tolerant, just as robust, and just as well suited to indoor conditions. R. multifida is a tender, compact, evergreen palm with upright, cane-like stems bearing palmate, dark green leaves divided into numerous long, linear leaflets. Panicles of tiny, yellow flowers bloom in summer.
₹4,599.00₹3,499.00 - Read more
Varigated Rhapis Excelsa (Variegated Lady Palm)
Varigated Rhapis Excelsa (Variegated Lady Palm) has beautiful variegation that is apparent only on the leaflets. They have assorted shades of green (light or dark) adjacent to cream, yellow or white stripes. The variegation runs in an axial pattern along the length of the leaflets.