Flowering Plants
Showing 417–423 of 423 results
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Spathiphyllum Peace Lily Variegated
Spathiphyllum Peace Lily Variegated is a very rare variegated form of the peace lily that has blotches of creamy white color all over each leaf & flower once mature.Peace Lily Variegated, is a popular houseplant that’s notable for its lush, vibrant foliage and bright, white blooms.
₹449.00₹399.00 - Read more
Oxalis Regnellii ‘Francis’ (Purple Shamrock Plant)
Oxalis Regnellii ‘Francis’ (Purple Shamrock Plant) has bright purple, triangular-shaped leaves and pink blossoms make this vigorous Oxalis a must-have for the container garden. The vivid purple color will amaze you! Grow in moist soil in bright, indirect light.
₹799.00₹499.00 - Read more
Oxalis Vulcanicola ‘Zinfandel’ (Mini Oxallis)
Oxalis Vulcanicola ‘Zinfandel’ (Mini Oxallis) is a semi succulent type oxallis that can tolerate drought. It is a tender perennial, usually grown as an annual, forming a lush mound of velvety, deep burgundy, clover-like leaves whose height reaches 6 to 10 inch tall and 10 to 12 inch wide.