Hardy Plants
Showing 225–256 of 461 results
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Phalsa Berry
Phalsa Berry (Grewia asiatica) Also called Indian Sherbet Berry, Phalsa is a fast-growing subtropical plant native to India. The fruits are borne in clusters and turn from light green to red to purple when fully rip, When new canes emerge, the leaves have a bronze-burgundy tint.
₹899.00₹599.00 - Sale! -50% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
RaspBerry Fruit Plant – Rubus idaeus
The RaspBerry Fruit Plant – Rubus idaeus is a medium-sized deciduous tree that produces small, tasty-but-messy berries that resemble blackberries. It feature with dark green leaves with serrated edges with thrones .
₹699.00₹349.00 - Sale! -43%Add to cartMORE INFO
Silver oak
Silver Oak Plant produces small yellow or orange flowers in large clusters that bloom from late winter to early spring. The leaves of the plant are fern-like and silvery-gray on the underside, which gives the tree its common name. The wood of the Silver Oak tree is strong and
₹699.00₹399.00 - Add to cartMORE INFO
Terminalia Ivorensis ( Black Afara )
₹399.00A large, dry deciduous tree with a tall, straight trunk that has blackish, flaking bark, a flat, spreading stern tropical Africa. It is popular in forestry for tropical climates for its extremely fast growth rate, long, straight bole and high quality timber, and makes a good shade tree in agroforestry.
- Sale! -29%Add to cartMORE INFO
Thai Gardenia, Ananta Plant
Gardenia is evergreen shrubs and small trees. The leaves are opposite or in whorls of three or four, broad, dark green and glossy with a leathery texture. The flowers are solitary or in small clusters, white, or pale yellow, with a tubular-based corolla with 5-12 lobes.
₹699.00₹499.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Touch Me Not (Mimosa Pudica)
Mimosa pudica (Touch me not plant) is a creeping annual or perennial flowering plant of the pea/legume family Fabaceae. It is often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, defending themselves from harm, and re-open a few minutes later.
₹499.00₹299.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Trachelospermum Asiaticum ‘Summer Sunset’
Trachelospermum Asiaticum ‘Summer Sunset’ known as Tricolor Star Jasmine is a variegated, classic evergreen twining low ground cover or entwined on a trellis. Highly perfumed white star like flowers in spring and summer. Glossy green leaves with splashes of yellow and pink.
₹499.00₹299.00 - Read more
Adenium ‘Nin Ra Kan’ (Black-Red leaves Adenium)
Adenium obesum ‘Nin Ra Kan’ A nice plant of beautiful dark Red-Black leaf hyrid cultivar from Thailand. When in leaf water regularly but don’t let the soil stay wet. Keep fairly dry in the winter or whenever it drops its leaves. The leaves are dark red/purple/black in good light. Avoid too much fertilizer as it cause green leaves too. This variety is grown for the leaves and doesn’t flower often. Flowers are small and pink.
₹1,299.00₹699.00 - Read more
Adenium Arabicum
Adenium arabicum ia a remarkable succulent plant with a grotesquely swollen trunk which resembles a miniature baobab tree. It is a local or morphological form of Adenium obesum, but commonly used to be known as a separate species and very popular with ‘fat plant’ collectors.
₹1,999.00₹699.00 - Read more
Adenium Obesum Variegated
Adenium Obesum Variegated have swollen, often twisted trunk, which is pale gray. The leaves have splashing whitish variegation and are glossy and club-shaped. The flowers appear almost continuously, are prominent bell shaped, and are pink, red or white in color.Perfect for water conserving gardens as it is drought resistant. Can be a houseplant if grown by a window, but prefers to be outdoors in full to partial sun.
₹1,999.00₹1,499.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Variegated Adenium Bonsai
Variegated Adenium Bonsai have swollen, often twisted trunk, which is pale gray. The leaves are glossy and club-shaped. The flowers appear almost continuously, are prominent bell shaped, and are pink in color.Perfect for water conserving gardens as it is drought resistant. Can be a houseplant if grown by a window, but prefers to be outdoors in full to partial sun.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -38%Add to cartMORE INFO
Sankrant Vel, Flame Vine
Flame vine is an evergreen rampant climber, It has attractive, dark green compound foliage with 2-8 leaflets. It has branched tendrils that can climb a trellis or other support or cascade over a wall. Common names are Flaming Trumpet, Golden Shower, Flame Vine, Orange Bignonia, Orange Shower, Sankrant Vel,
₹799.00₹499.00 - Read more
Clusia rosea Princess – Autograph Tree
Clusia rosea is an ornamental leafy houseplant that is remarkably sturdy and easy to care for. Its stiff, leathery leaves are a dark olive green in colour and are said to be so tough, you could carve your name into them – hence the popular name ‘Autograph Tree’.
₹999.00₹599.00 - Sale! -85%Add to cartMORE INFO
Clusia Rosea Princess – Autograph Tree Mini
Clusia rosea is an ornamental leafy houseplant that is remarkably sturdy and easy to care for. Its stiff, leathery leaves are a dark olive green in colour and are said to be so tough, you could carve your name into them – hence the popular name ‘Autograph Tree’.
₹999.00₹149.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Clusia Rosea Variegated (Variegated Autograph Tree)
Variegated Autograph Tree is an ornamental leafy houseplant that is remarkably sturdy and easy to care for. Its stiff, leathery leaves are a dark olive green with yellow variegation in colour and are said to be so tough, you could carve your name into them – hence the popular name ‘Autograph Tree’.
₹1,999.00₹799.00 - Read more
Epiphyllum Pumilum – Queen of the Night Miniature
Queen of the Night is a night-blooming cactus with tall cylindrical stems, bearing elliptic, leaf-like, scalloped, dark green branches. Epiphyllum pumilum is known for its fragrant, white flowers that can get quite large. The flowers’ most distinct characteristic is that they bloom only at night.
₹599.00₹349.00 - Sale! -20%Add to cartMORE INFO
Epiphyllum Pumilum – Queen of the Night Miniature
Queen of the Night is a night-blooming cactus with tall cylindrical stems, bearing elliptic, leaf-like, scalloped, dark green branches. Epiphyllum pumilum is known for its fragrant, white flowers that can get quite large. The flowers’ most distinct characteristic is that they bloom only at night.
₹999.00₹799.00 - Read more
Gloxinia sylvatica ‘Bolivian Sunset’
Bolivian Sunset gloxinia is a stunning winter-flowering shrub that shows off sprays of bold, red-orange flowers. These blooms are a delightful contrast to its shiny, dark green foliage. Because Bolivian Sunset gloxinia is a low grower (and easy), The leaves are lance-shaped, leathery to the touch and semi-glossy. So in a world of typical green leaves, the texture is much welcome in the garden. The flowers, however, are dazzling.
₹799.00₹499.00 - Sale! -67%Add to cartMORE INFO
Peperomia Maculosa
Peperomia Maculosa is also known as Spotted stalked peperomia is unlike any other Peperomia you’ve ever seen. The thick leaves are very shiny and have a leathery feel with those silver linings on the dark green leaves it attracts the admirer towards itself.