Stress Relieving Plants
Showing 257–288 of 441 results
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Euphorbia Decaryi
Euphorbia decaryi is a small, perennial, leafy succulent with a shrub-like development and beautiful wavy, zig-zag edged leaves. It is a mat-forming species and spreads almost horizontally on the ground by means of rhizomes. Leaves are tufted in rosettes at the stems tips, deep-red and green coloured, narrow, very succulent, highly undulate, folded and crisp with raised veins and very attractive. Leaves in summer and under stress assume a nice coppery-bronze colouring.
₹599.00₹169.00 - Sale! -54%Add to cartMORE INFO
Aloe Blizzard Succulent
Aloe ‘Blizzard’ is one-of-a-kind, perfect storm of variegation, attractive blooms, and compact size,
The leaves are spiky and fleshy. ‘Blizzard’ is a very compact, upright plant with strong foliage with bright white variegation and frequent flowering periods.
Great for a windowsill, this dwarf aloe hybrid boasts bright white/deep green tones, tubular coral flowers, frequent flowering periods, and a pleasing penchant for multiplying.
₹649.00₹299.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Aloe cameronii (Red Aloe)
Aloe cameronii (Cameron’s Ruwari Aloe, Red Aloe) A medium-sized suckering aloe with many upright stems of open rosettes, It is best known to be a beautiful looking succulent. The plants main feature are the beautiful looking leaves that are mostly red. When the plant produces flowers expect them to be orange-red.
₹999.00₹599.00 - Sale! -20%Add to cartMORE INFO
Aloe Rauhii – Snowflake Aloe
Snowflake Aloe (Aloe rauhii): The mother of many hybrids, Snowflake is emblematic of the mottled “mosaic” pattern sought by many Aloe enthusiasts. This green and white species tends to have thinner, more narrow leaves and can tolerate low light conditions
₹499.00₹399.00 - Read more
Arizona Snowcap Cactus (Mammillaria Vetula)
Mammillaria vetula ‘Arizona Snowcap’ is a small cactus, The stems are cylindrical, dark green, almost concealed by the spines, Spines are short, white and thick. The flowers are small, cream-yellow with pinkish or brownish midstripe.
₹649.00₹399.00 - Sale! -31%Add to cartMORE INFO
Cereus Repandus Var. Monstrosus
Cereus Repandus Var. Monstrosus
Plant is in a 3” pot for dimension reference.
The plant you receive may slightly be slightly different. We always pick the best available plants for you.We take our time to carefully pack each item to make sure it will arrive safely.₹649.00₹449.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia ‘Medusa’s Hair’
The Euphorbia caput-medusae or Medusa’s Hair is mostly matt dark green with stems that grow in every direction. When it flowers you can expect it to produce yellow flowers during summer, Soft arms of green surround a round head in the center and this plant looks amazing with age.
₹1,499.00₹999.00 - Sale! -39%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia Aeruginosa
Euphorbia aeruginosa is a dwarf, spiny shrubbing plant, where it grows in gravelly rock crevices. Bluish-gray leafless branches are covered in rows of vicious-looking spikes. But come late winter or early spring, watch this metal plant transition to easy listening as its branch tips blossom with delicate yellow flowers.
₹649.00₹399.00 - Sale! -54%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia Anoplia (Tanzanian Zipper Plant)
Euphorbia Anoplia (Tanzanian Zipper Plant) is a small clumping stemless succulent that that grows as clusters of tall, leafless stems. The stems have striations of green tones which forms a colony of leafless ribbed columns.
₹649.00₹299.00 - Read more
Euphorbia japonica
Euphorbia japonica aka Pineapple succulent is a dwarf succulent hybrid bred in nurseries from two plants native to South Africa. It’s comprised of lightly-leaved branches growing from a central caudex, or bulbous root system.
This slow grower likes a lot of water in the summer and very little in the winter. As the top of the plant grows, the caudex beneath it becomes a hardened brown stalk.