Foliage Plants
Showing 705–736 of 765 results
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Pedilanthus ‘Jurassic Park 2’ Mini
Pedilanthus ‘Jurassic Park 2’ has fleshy, concavely-cupped like tortoise shells, glossy yellow-green with green margins leaves that are held close to stems. The stems are fleshy, powdery grey-green, zigzag and very upright, exude milky sap when cut or bruised.The less maintenance for this beauty makes it a perfect garden choice as a snowy beauty.
₹299.00₹149.00 - Read more
Pedilanthus ‘Jurassic Park’
Pedilanthus ‘Jurassic Park’ has fleshy,concavely-cupped like tortoise shells, glossy grey-green with white margins leaves that are held close to stems. The stems are fleshy, powdery grey-green, zigzag and very upright, exude milky sap when cut or bruised.The less maitenace for this beauty makes it a perfect garden choice as a snowy beauty.
₹999.00₹749.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Pedilanthus ‘Jurassic Park’ Mini
Pedilanthus ‘Jurassic Park’ has fleshy,concavely-cupped like tortoise shells, glossy grey-green with white margins leaves that are held close to stems. The stems are fleshy, powdery grey-green, zigzag and very upright, exude milky sap when cut or bruised.The less maintenance for this beauty makes it a perfect garden choice as a snowy beauty.
₹299.00₹199.00 - Sale! -38%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia tithymaloides (Millsp.), Devil’s Backbone (Curly leaves)
Euphorbia tithymaloides (Millsp.), Devil’s Backbone (Curly leaves) has Greenish white to light green leaves have dark green coloration along the midvein which spreads to varying lengths into the leaf blade. Slightly folded leaf blade and strongly wavy leaf margin create a curly appearance.
₹799.00₹499.00 - Sale! -20%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia Tithymaloides ssp. Smallii ‘Curly Leaves’
Euphorbia tithymaloides ssp. smallii ‘Curly leaves’ has Greenish white to light green leaves have dark green coloration along the midvein which spreads to varying lengths into the leaf blade. Slightly folded leaf blade and strongly wavy leaf margin create a curly appearance.
₹499.00₹399.00 - Sale! -44%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia Tithymaloides ssp. Smallii ‘Curly Leaves’ in hanging pot
Euphorbia tithymaloides ssp. smallii ‘Curly leaves’ has Greenish white to light green leaves have dark green coloration along the midvein which spreads to varying lengths into the leaf blade. Slightly folded leaf blade and strongly wavy leaf margin create a curly appearance.
₹899.00₹499.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Pedilanthus ‘Splish Splash’
Pedilanthus Tithymaloides ‘Splish Splash’ also known as Marbled Devil’s Backbone is a thick succulent like plant whose stems grow in a zig-zag direction, back and forth between each leaf. The heavily structured ivory leaves are splashed and marbled with intense deep green is a wonderful fast growing plant with the beautiful foliage treat to eyes.
₹399.00₹199.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Betel leaf Plant (Naginiche Pan)
Beetle leaf Plant (Naginiche Pan) Plant is a creeper grown in India; it belongs to pepper family. Its waxy green, heart-shaped leaves are used for medicinal and culinary purposes. It is used for eating and in worshipping in Pooja throughout Maharashtra.
₹499.00₹249.00 - Read more
Begonia ‘Betsy’ Blue Shine
Begonia ‘Betsy Blue Shine’ has highly distinctive leaves that get large with time with Bright lime-green veins that stand out against dull dark green upper leaf surfaces. The show stealer leaves looks blue when there is a light reflected on its leaves.₹799.00₹569.00 - Read more
Rex Begonia “Dino Black Sky”
Rex Begonia “Dino Black Sky” has a dark velvety leaf with silver spots that look like stars. Sometimes the leaves are dark green while other times they’re almost black. The undersides of the leaves show electric red veining, so this plant is a stunner from above or below.
₹799.00₹299.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Begonia ‘Sinbad’
Begonia ‘Sinbad’ is a thick-stemmed hybrid of a thick-stemmed begonia and a shrub type begonia, so it has the habits of a bushy thick-stem. The small-medium sized leaves are silver and have a pebbled surface. The flowers are pink and it blooms in winter, spring and summer.
₹999.00₹599.00 - Read more
Begonia ‘Sinbad’ Mini
Begonia ‘Sinbad’ is a thick-stemmed hybrid of a thick-stemmed begonia and a shrub type begonia, so it has the habits of a bushy thick-stem. The small-medium sized leaves are silver and have a pebbled surface. The flowers are pink and it blooms in winter, spring and summer.
₹599.00₹199.00 - Read more
Begonia ‘Dutch Sunrise’
Begonia ‘Dutch Sunrise’ has silver leaves with black main veins and pink fused from the black to the silver. The leaf margin is green with silver dots and a thin black edge. Like many rex hybrids, the colors in the leaves tend to vary depending on season.₹799.00₹379.00