Clerodendrum inerme (Wild Jasmine) It is a very hardy and versatile plant that can be used as a topiary or bonsai. It has opposite and ovate leaves with an amazing foliage and white flowers.
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Clerodendrum Inerme Variegata (Sangam/Vanjai) is an evergreen sprawling shrub with woody and smooth stems. Leaves are ovate to elliptical long, acute to acuminate tip, variegated lime with some whitish tinge, smooth, slightly shiny upper surface, pinnate venation, margins entire, leaves opposite, simple. Cyme or umbel usually comprised of 3 flowers joined at a common base point; corolla white, fused, with 5 lobes; stamens 4, reddish to purple and upwardly curved.
Cestrum Diurnum commonly known as din ka raja , day blooming jasmine is a plant native to West Indies. Cestrum Diurnum is a popular ornamental plant which is known for its attractive perfume which it releases during the day.
Duranta Erecta ‘Alba’ is a attractive fast-growing evergreen shrub suited to a variety of garden types. ‘Alba’ is a white-flowered cultivar, that bears drooping clusters of tubular, white flowers that appear as long as the conditions are favourable. The flowers, which are attractive to butterflies,
The common name “firecracker flower” It is popularly known as ”aboli” In Maharashtra and Goa, It is an erect, evergreen subshrub growing to 1 m with glossy, wavy-margined leaves and fan-shaped flowers, which may appear at any time throughout the year.
This Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Isabel Beard’ variety has an average height to 2 metres with upright growth and very prolific flowering. The flowers, which last for two days, are medium semi-double blooms of a lavender pink colour with a deep red eye. Plant in a warm, frost free spot. Hibiscus must have free draining soil.
Hibiscus Tiliaceus Rubra (Red Cottonwood Hibicus) is a hardy Outdoor foliage plant that flowers occasionally is popular for its big lushy heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are deep maroon and plumb especially when young.
Jasminum Auriculatum (Juhi) is a plant of genus that are characterized by astonishing beautiful fragrant flowers. It is the most common species in India. Its flower whorl is white with single petals. The leaves are simple, opposite, almost smooth with prominent lateral veins.
Jasminum Auriculatum (Juhi) is a plant of genus that are characterized by astonishing beautiful fragrant flowers. It is the most common species in India. Its flower whorl is white with single petals. The leaves are simple, opposite, almost smooth with prominent lateral veins.
It is commonly known as Arabian Jasmine, Tuscan Jasmine, Bela, Belphool, Malliage and Mogra.It is the most common species in India. Its flower whorl is white with single or multi-whorled petals. The leaves are simple, opposite, almost smooth with prominent lateral veins.
Juanulloa mexicana or aurantica is a rare and uncommon colorful blooming vine-like tropical It is commonly called Goldfinger Bush or Vine because of the resemblance of the elongated, elliptical shaped golden orange buds to fingers.
Leaf celery, Nan Ling celery it is perennial, aromatic and culinary type species of herb , the plant has green color leaves and The stalks and leaves have that distinct celery smell and taste and edible, it is known by several common names Chinese Celery.
Crossandra infundibuliformis ‘Orange Sherbert’ This type of Clusters of widely flaring soft orange flowers are borne from spring to fall to year-round under warm tropical conditions and are held above and among the rich deep green foliage .