Pet Friendly Plants
Showing 1185–1216 of 1620 results
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Rat-Tail Cactus
This tall, trailing cactus is one of the most widely cultivated cacti in its genus. Its thick stems grow tall before the weight of the stems causes it to bend and either hang out of its pot, or trail along the ground. It typically produces purple-red flowers, although sometimes growers have reported pink or orange blossoms
₹649.00₹399.00 - Sale! -8%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia Susannae
Euphorbia suzannae also known as Suzanna’s Euphorbia is Native to South Africa, this attractive clump-forming succulent is grown for its distinctive green spineless stems with unusual ribbing. This species is dormant in winter and can be watered moderately all year around (except in the coldest month of the winter as it rot easily).
₹649.00₹599.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Kalanchoe Beharensis ‘Subnuda’
Kalanchoe Beharensis ‘Subnuda’ has large heart-shaped leaves but without the shaggy hairs. It is a very large succulents shrub with a unique grotesque shape and smooth plastik-like leaves. This unusual hairless form is also known as Feltleaf.
₹649.00₹489.00 - Sale! -70%Add to cartMORE INFO
Kalanchoe ‘Silver Spoons’
Kalanchoe Bracteata is also commonly known as Silver Teaspoons. As the plant matures you can expect it to reach up to around 1.2 m (26″) tall. The plants main feature are the silver to grey coloured leaves. When it flowers you can expect it to produce orange to red flowers.
₹499.00₹149.00 - Sale! -75%Add to cartMORE INFO
Kalanchoe Orgyalis ‘Copper Spoon’
Kalanchoe Orgyalis ‘Copper Spoon’ are stemmed variety with velvety, spoon-shaped leaves that stand upright. This two-toned plant is a lovely cinnamon brown on the upper side of its leaves and silver underneath. As leaves age, they turn completely silver. They need ample sunlight, great drainage, and infrequent water to prevent rot.
₹499.00₹125.00 - Sale! -54%Add to cartMORE INFO
Monadenium Stapelioides
Monadenium Stapelioides Also known as Euphorbia Neostapelioides is an exotic form of euphorbia whose leaves are nicely stripped with greens and often with pink edges on some leaves specially in winters. Due to its compact size and hardy nature its best suitable as a table top plant.
₹649.00₹299.00 - Sale! -46%Add to cartMORE INFO
Monadenium Stapelioides Variegata
Monadenium Stapelioides Variegata Also known as Euphorbia Neostapelioides Variegata is an exotic form of euphorbia whose leaves are nicely stripped with cream and often with pink edges on some leaves specially in winters. Due to its compact size and hardy nature its best suitable as a table top plant.
₹649.00₹349.00 - Sale! -35%Add to cartMORE INFO
Asplenium Antiquum ‘Osaka’
Asplenium Antiquum ‘Osaka’ is large growing fern with distinctly frilled leathery foliage, each frond may reach between 1-2 metres on mature plants.Osaka grows in an upright rosette of long apple-green shiny leaves with a frilled rippled edge.
₹999.00₹649.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Asplenium Antiquum ‘Victoria’
Asplenium Antiquum Victoria is a very striking feature plant with its bright green, wavy edged fronds that grow in a rosette shape forming a bowl or nest shape.Osaka’s little sister with all the cute leafy wiggles in a smaller size is perfect for longterm indoor display or smaller shade gardens.
₹699.00₹349.00 - Sale! -64%Add to cartMORE INFO
Asplenium Antiquum ‘Hardy’
Asplenium Antiquum Hardy Bird’s Nest Fern is a beautiful perennial fern that gets glossy tropical looking green leaves in a round rosette. These ferns can grow in soil, either in your garden or in a container, where they make great houseplants.
₹899.00₹325.00 - Read more
Asplenium scolopendrium ‘Cristata’ (Crested Harts Tongue Fern)
Phyllitis scolopendrium ‘Cristata’, commonly known as Crested Hart’s Tongue Fern, displays tight rosettes of broad, shiny, tongue-like leaves, each with a crest at the end. Evergreen fern. Grow in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil and water regularly. Hart’s Tongue Fern thrives in deep shade at the base of a wall or fence or in a woodland garden.
₹1,799.00₹499.00 - Add to cartMORE INFO
Asplenium Antiquum ‘Lasagna’ (Cobra fern) Medium
₹999.00Asplenium ‘Lasagna’ is an ultimate medium-large fern with long fronds, each distinctly frilled and rippled on the edges like a sheet of fancy lasagna. A Very wiggle-edged lush fern for tropical gardens and indoor decor – plant it somewhere shady and moist and watch it unfurl.
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Asplenium Nidus ‘Crispy Wave’
Asplenium Nidus ‘Crispy Wave’ is beautifully a bright green fern with characteristically sword-shaped, ruffled leaves which give it the common name ‘Crispy Wave’. Or it also goes by “Bird’s Nest Fern” for the way the leaves radiate outward, leaving a leafy basin in the centre.
₹999.00₹349.00 - Sale! -60%Add to cartMORE INFO
Asplenium Nidus ‘Sawtooth’ Bird Nest Fern
Asplenium Nidus ‘Sawtooth’ Bird Nest Fern A fantastic new introduction from Asplenium nidus family, also known as the bird nest fern . This Saw Tooth variant has interesting and amazing saw-like green leaf edges.