Pet Friendly Plants
Showing 1345–1376 of 1620 results
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Dieffenbachia arlatorei Linden
Dieffenbachia parlatorei Linden is stunning cultivar of dumb cane has large, showy foliage with bold green pattern and green variegation surface which is dark green in touch, creating a beautiful camouflage-like appearance.
₹999.00₹499.00 - Sale! -63% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia Big Ben Variegated
Dieffenbachia ‘Big Ben’ variegated is a large-form specimen plant that has incredibly beautiful green and white variegation patterns. As the plant matures, it develops thick canes that resemble bamboo and a grow style that resembles a banana plant.
₹1,999.00₹749.00 - Sale! -75% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia MilkyWay
Dieffenbachia ‘Milky Way’ is a tropical plant with striking, variegated leaves that resemble a starry night. It’s also known as the Dumb Cane plant and is a popular choice for indoor spaces because it’s easy to care for and acts as a natural air purifier.
₹999.00₹249.00 - Sale! -10%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia Seguine Or Tropic Snow
This plant has an exotic appeal and has wonderfully shaped leaves with brush strokes of cream, yellow and white which enhance the shape of the leaves. The rich color of green with its brush strokes of color allow this plant to stand out and shout out to be seen in your home.
₹999.00₹899.00 - Sale! -57%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia Memoria Corsii
Dieffenbachia Memoria corsii is an attractive medium sized plant with grey-green leaves which are mottled with white spots.It is a showstopper: a lush houseplant with grayish green foliage speckled with cream-colored dots that are like a burst of fireworks.
₹699.00₹299.00 - Read more
Dieffenbachia Memoria Corsii large
Dieffenbachia Memoria corsii is an attractive medium sized plant with grey-green leaves which are mottled with white spots.It is a showstopper: a lush houseplant with grayish green foliage speckled with cream-colored dots that are like a burst of fireworks.
₹799.00₹649.00 - Read more
Dischidia Imbricata
Dischidia Imbricata develops imbricate leaves which hold tightly to the growing surface. This member of milkweed family is a fast growing easy to care for plant, a nice bright space close to a window will be prime and making sure that at least a third of it’s soil dries out before watering.
₹1,299.00₹499.00 - Read more
Curio Rowleyanus Variegata ( String of Pearls Variegated)
Curio Rowleyanus Variegata ( String of Pearls Variegated) is a unique, quirky succulent with intriguing, trailing stems of round, pea-like leaves swirled in cream. Flowers appear on tall, slender stems as small, white fuzzy daisies.
₹899.00₹249.00 - Sale! -46%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dorstenia Foetida
Grendelion is a small, caudex forming perennial herb, It has an erect stem, enlarged downwards, Leaves are evergreen or falling off, at stem tips, light green to grayish-green narrowly lanceshaped to broadly elliptical (sometime nearly round or linear),
₹899.00₹489.00 - Read more
Senecio Herreianus (String of Beads) Mini
Senecio herreianus is a unique, quirky succulent with intriguing, trailing stems of oval, bead-like leaves, each with a vertical, semi-translucent line running to its tip which assists photosynthesis. Flowers appear on tall, slender stems as small, white fuzzy daisies.
₹399.00₹199.00 - Read more
String of Beads in Hanging Pot
Senecio herreianus is a unique, quirky succulent with intriguing, trailing stems of oval, bead-like leaves, each with a vertical, semi-translucent line running to its tip which assists photosynthesis. Flowers appear on tall, slender stems as small, white fuzzy daisies.
₹999.00₹399.00 - Read more
String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii)
String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) is a straggly evergreen climber with delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines can reach up to 12′ long in its natural environment. The simple, opposite heart-shaped leaves are 1-2 cm wide and long. They are dark green marbled with silver on the upper surface and green to purple on the underside.
₹999.00₹649.00 - Read more
Variegated String of Heart (Ceropegia woodi)
Variegated String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) is a straggly evergreen flowering climber with delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines can reach up to 12′ long in its natural environment. The simple, opposite heart-shaped leaves are 1-2 cm wide and long. They are dark green with splashes of pink all over on the upper surface and green to purple on the underside.
₹1,999.00₹999.00 - Sale! -56%Add to cartMORE INFO
Dischidia Ruscifolia (Million Hearts)
Dischidia Ruscifolia also known as Million Hearts, has numerous small, heart-shaped green leaves that line both sides of thin trailing stems. Its flowers are small and grow between a leaf and the stem.If grown under intense light, the plant’s leaves will develop a red tinge.
₹899.00₹399.00 - Read more
Dischidia Ruscifolia (Million Hearts) Mini
Dischidia Ruscifolia also known as Million Hearts, has numerous small, heart-shaped green leaves that line both sides of thin trailing stems. Its flowers are small and grow between a leaf and the stem.If grown under intense light, the plant’s leaves will develop a red tinge.