Showing 97–116 of 116 results
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Euphorbia ‘Trigona Mint Cream’
Variegated Euphorbia Trigona is prickly beauty is a hardy, low-maintenance succulent noted for its erect, columnar branches and slender leaves. It has an upright stem and will have multiple branches as it grows older. Commonly called African milk tree, Euphorbia trigona is a hardy, low-maintenance succulent noted for its erect, columnar branches and slender leaves.
₹699.00₹499.00 - Sale! -43%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia Trigona Rubra ‘Royal Red’
Euphorbia trigona Rubra ‘Royal Red’ is a tender, evergreen, succulent succulent plant whose stems have three wing-like angles and carry short, sharp spines as well as leaves. The stems and leaves are flushed purplish-red (and some bronzish-green). The leaves are often darker red in this clone and the stems greener for a lovely bicolored look. The stems can be flecked red to magenta. Some leaves may become rich magenta-red.
₹699.00₹399.00 - Sale! -25%Add to cartMORE INFO
Gasteraloe ‘Green Ice’
‘Green Ice’ is a slow-growing succulent with thick, flat variegated leaves. It’s perfect for beginning succulent growers, or those wanting an indoor garden. The leaves have gray spots and lines, with red and green tubular flowers.
₹599.00₹449.00 - Sale! -13%Add to cartMORE INFO
Gasteraloe Hayfieldii
Gasteraloe Hayfieldii is typically stemless or almost stemless. Their succulent leaves, which are usually spotted or marked and have toothed margins, form rosettes. The leafs are hard and pointy which makes them a perfect succulents for terrariums.
₹399.00₹349.00 - Sale! -64%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthia Cooperi Var. pilifera ‘Silver Swirl’
Haworthia Cooperi Var. pilifera ‘Silver Swirl’ is a beautiful succulent that forms tight and compact rossete upto 10 cm tall. The leaves are thick, linear that are white with grey translucent areas near the tips.
₹699.00₹249.00 - Sale! -25%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthia “Concolor Zebra Plant”
Haworthia fasciata “Concolor Zebra Plant” is a low growing plant that grows to about 4 inches tall with small offsets. Has beautiful, green triangular shaped leaves with white stripes. Display this plant anywhere it can receive plenty of sun or bright light.
₹399.00₹299.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Zebra Plant (now named Haworthiopsis fasciata) Named for the distinctive white bumps that line the outside of its leaves. In nature, Its ability to tolerate low light makes it a fantastic indoor succulent. The plants are generally small, less than 6″ high. The triangular shaped leaves are dark green with narrow white crested strips on the outside. The texture of this plant will surprise you.
₹499.00₹249.00 - Sale! -44%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthia fasciata – Zebra Plant
Zebra Plant (now named Haworthiopsis fasciata) Named for the distinctive white bumps that line the outside of its leaves. In nature, Its ability to tolerate low light makes it a fantastic indoor succulent. The plants are generally small, less than 6″ high. The triangular shaped leaves are dark green with narrow white crested strips on the outside. The texture of this plant will surprise you.
₹499.00₹279.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthiopsis Attenuata Snowy
A very attractive compact cultivar with dense snow-white tubercles.They are leaf succulents, forming very attractive rosettes of often textured, marked or tuberculated leaves, Dense snow-white tubercles Lovely compact cultivar.
₹599.00₹399.00 - Sale! -21%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthia ‘Fairy Washboard’
Haworthia limifolia (Fairy Washboard) is a rosette-forming succulent up to 4 inches in diameter. The leaves are triangular to ovate-lanceolate, spreading, very broad at the base, light to very dark green and even brownish-green, up to 3 inches long and up to 1 inch broad.
₹379.00₹299.00 - Sale! -29%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthia Retusa
Haworthia retusa is a small succulent that forms star-shaped rosettes, up to 6 inches in diameter, of fleshy, lime green leaves with triangular translucent tips marked with longitudinal lines. In the wild, it is usually a solitary rosette, while in cultivation, it can offset and even form a clump of rosettes.
₹420.00₹299.00 - Sale! -30%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthiopsis Tessellata
Haworthiopsis tessellata is a succulent evergreen slow-growing species reaching a size of 15 cm in height. It is a stemless plant, with square patterned leaves on the upper surfaces and small teeth along the margins. The leaves are greenish, form a rosette and turn to reddish in full sun. The flowers are white and small, in an inflorescence.
₹429.00₹299.00 - Read more
Haworthiopsis Venosa
Haworthiopsis Venosa is a Rosette of green, triangular leaves that can flush copper to magenta when moderately stressed by bright sun and drought. The flattened leaf tops have a checkered mosaic of translucent Leaf Windows that help the plant tolerate low light conditions. It is a prolific variety and grows into dense, mounding clumps of offsets.