Ground Cover Plants
Showing 33–64 of 238 results
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Ribbon Bush (Homalocladium Platycladum)
₹449.00Ribbon Bush (Homalocladium Platycladum) are curious plants with flat and segmented stems of bright green color that reach 2 meters in height. The stems do the function of the leaves since they are small and arise from the new shoots but then disappear. The flowers are small and greenish-white.
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Adiantum Raddianum ‘Delta Maidenhair Fern’
Adiantum Raddianum (Delta Maidenhair) is an elegant and fast growing,which is a tufted evergreen fern with smooth, purplish-black stalks bearing triangular, 3-pinnate, lacy fronds composed of rounded, fan-shaped segments. Emerging light green, they darken with age.
₹499.00₹399.00 - Sale! -46% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Asparagus Ming Serres Lavoie
Ming Fern(Asparagus macowanii/retrofractus). Despite its name, the ming fern is a flowering plant and not a fern at all. It produces white flowers in the spring to early summer. It is in the same genus as the edible cultivated perennial vegetable, Asparagus officinalis. Ming Ferns do well in full sun as well as shaded locations.
₹549.00₹299.00 - Sale! -50% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Asparagus schoberioides ‘Chollipo’ Mini
Asparagus schoberioides ‘Chollipo’ is the rich, green, lacy foliage makes an easy-to-grow, wonderful textural clump, 2′ tall x 3′ wide. If pollinated, it will be adorned with bright red berries in late summer and fall. I
₹599.00₹299.00 - Sale! -47%Add to cartMORE INFO
Asparagus Setaceus Plumosus
Asparagus Setaceus Plumosus is a bushy, evergreen, twining vine with wiry, spiny, scrambling or climbing stems that typically grow long. It features feathery, fern-like flattened sprays of bright green stems, small white summer flowers and deep purple berries.
₹449.00₹239.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Foxtail Asparagus Fern
Foxtail Asparagus Fern /Asparagus Meyeri are unusual and attractive evergreen plants. These plants form large cushions with long, arching stems more or less densely covered with dark green, needle-like leaves. The plants of this group can be used as groundcovers in shade as well as in full sun,
₹449.00₹299.00 - Sale! -58% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Ming Fern (Asparagus Macowanii)
Ming Fern, also known as Asparagus Macowanii, is a popular ornamental plant known for its delicate, lacy fronds and attractive green color. Asparagus Macowanii is a hardy plant and is easy to care for, requiring minimal maintenance and watering. It is also resistant to pests and diseases, making it a suitable choice for gardeners who want a low-maintenance plant.
₹599.00₹249.00 - Read more
Boston Fern ‘Fluffy Ruffles’
This is a special type of Boston Fern with soft ruffled fronds that form a tidy dense clump. This plant thrives on humidity, so daily misting in winter months and a gravel and water-filled saucer beneath the pot in warmer months are highly recommended. It is a lusciously thick evergreen fern with beautiful sword-shaped leaves.
₹599.00₹349.00 - Read more
Microsorum Thailandicum ‘Blue Oil Fern’
Microsorum Thailandicum ‘Blue Oil Fern’ is a shining beauty with iridescent blue, narrow strap shaped fronds reaching 10″-12″ long that enjoys warm, humid conditions under low light levels. It is also drought tolerant so do feel the soil before watering.
₹5,999.00₹1,499.00 - Read more
Clerodendrum Quadrilo ‘Brandonii’ (Variegated Starburst Shrub )
Clerodendrum quadrilo ‘Brandonii’ popularly known as Variegated Starburst Shrub is an exotic full sun plants whose topsides of the leaves are green, variegated through the leaf margin with just a tinge of purple, while the undersides are a glossy, deep purple. During the wintertime, leaves may lose a bit of their luster, but take heart that blooming is just around the corner. This plant is most eye-catching in mid-winter and early spring when its showy tubular flowers—white tipped and pink below—appear in large clusters.
₹1,299.00₹849.00 - Read more
Cyrtomium falcatum
₹999.00Cyrtomium falcatum, commonly known as Japanese holly fern, The fronds of this fern resemble holly branches. This is an evergreen fern that typically grows in a dense, vase-shaped clump to 2’ tall. Arching, glossy, dark green fronds are noted for their thick, leathery pinnae.
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Davallia Fejeensis ‘Rabbit’s Foot Fern’
Davallia Fejeensis is called the Rabbit’s Foot Fern due to its white, fuzzy rhizomes that resemble a rabbit’s foot and grow on the soil surface outward from the central part of the plant. Rabbit’s Foot Fern has a darker green foliage due to which it has gained a lot of popularity over the last decade.
₹1,499.00₹449.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Davallia Fejeensis ‘Rabbit’s Foot Fern’
Davallia Fejeensis is called the Rabbit’s Foot Fern due to its white, fuzzy rhizomes that resemble a rabbit’s foot and grow on the soil surface outward from the central part of the plant. Rabbit’s Foot Fern has a darker green foliage due to which it has gained a lot of popularity over the last decade.
₹599.00₹299.00 - Read more
Davallia Trichomanoides ‘White Rabbit’s Foot Fern’
Davallia Trichomanoides is called the White Rabbit’s Foot Fern due to its white, fuzzy rhizomes that resemble a rabbit’s foot and grow on the soil surface outward from the central part of the plant.White Rabbit’s Foot Fern has a darker green foliage due to whichit has gained a lot of popularity over the last decade.
₹599.00₹399.00 - Read more
Kensoi Fern (Asplenium X Kenzoi) Mini
Asplenium x Kenzoi is our newest fern at Araflora. This fern makes new babies on every leaf and will be fun to share the mini asplenium ferns with your friends. This is a easy plant for indoor and can be kept outdoor above freezing temperatures.
₹1,299.00₹389.00 - Read more
Rumohra Adiantiformis (Leather Leaf Fern) Large
Rumohra Adiantiformis (Leather Leaf Fern) is a dark green-colored, lacy-looking, finely-cut, glossy, and triangular-shaped fronds. The leathery feeling of the plant touch will suprise you think whether the plant is real or artificial..but no its real nature’s creativity.
₹1,699.00₹999.00 - Read more
Doryopteris Cordata (Antenna Fern)
Doryopteris Cordata produces lobed fronds at the base of the fern, which form a low growing mound, close to ground level, these fronds look more like leaves than the fronds of a fern, but Doryopteris cordata produces fertile fronds that are much more ‘fern like’, these feather like fronds.Doryopteris cordata has the common name of antenna fern, as the taller fronds that this fern produces stand above the fern, held on clear stems, which make them look rather like an antenna.