Air purifying plants
Showing 321–352 of 455 results
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Ficus Elastica Nairobi Night
Ficus Elastica Nairobi Night is a classy rubber plant, It has thick, glossy leaves in a rich green color. Ficus Elastica Nairobi Night has magnificent waxy leaves with yellow white edges and central stripes in multiple shades of dark green along the veins.
₹799.00₹549.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Ficus Elastica Nairobi Night Mini
Ficus Elastica Nairobi Night is a classy rubber plant, It has thick, glossy leaves in a rich green color. Ficus Elastica Nairobi Night has magnificent waxy leaves with yellow white edges and central stripes in multiple shades of dark green along the veins.
₹599.00₹349.00 - Sale! -69%Add to cartMORE INFO
Ficus Elastica Tineke Variegata
Rated 5.00 out of 5Variegated Rubber Plant has red midribs and bright, creamy yellow margins on each leaf.This new variety ‘Tineke’ has large, broad leaves in striking tones of cream and green. Newly emerging leaves have a blush of burgundy colour which fades as they mature.
₹1,299.00₹399.00 - Read more
Indian Rubber Tree
The Indian rubber tree is a large tree in the banyan group of figs, growing tall, with a stout trunk. The trunk develops aerial and buttressing roots to anchor it in the soil and help support heavy branches. It has broad, shiny, pale green oval leaves which are long and broad.
₹599.00₹549.00 - Sale! -56% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Lemon Lime Maranta
Lemon Lime Maranta is a rare, captivating plant known for its dark green leaves accented by a stunning gradient of lighter green edges and bold, lime-green veins that create a truly striking contrast. This unique foliage makes it a standout addition to any indoor collection, bringing a fresh, tropical feel to any room. With its gentle “prayer” movements, where leaves fold up at night, this Maranta adds a dynamic beauty to any indoor setup and thrives in Indian indoor climates.
₹899.00₹399.00 - Read more
Maranta ‘Fascinator Tricolour’
Rated 4.50 out of 5Maranta Leuconeura ‘Fascinator Tricolour’ have green leaves that are threaded with bright red veins, as well as attractively patterned along their midrib with yellow-green splotches.As the leaves tend to fold up themselves at night they are commonly referred to as prayer plants.
₹899.00₹399.00 - Read more
Maranta ‘Fascinator Tricolour’ Hanging Pot
Maranta Leuconeura ‘Fascinator Tricolour’ have green leaves that are threaded with bright red veins, as well as attractively patterned along their midrib with yellow-green splotches.As the leaves tend to fold up themselves at night they are commonly referred to as prayer plants.
₹999.00₹599.00 - Read more
Maranta ‘Fascinator Tricolour’ Mini
Maranta Leuconeura ‘Fascinator Tricolour’ have green leaves that are threaded with bright red veins, as well as attractively patterned along their midrib with yellow-green splotches.As the leaves tend to fold up themselves at night they are commonly referred to as prayer plants.
₹899.00₹199.00 - Sale! -36%Add to cartMORE INFO
Maranta Leuconeura ‘Kerchoveana’
Maranta Leuconeura ‘Kerchoveana’ have green leaves that are rounded and have dark splotches on either side of the main rib. The plant is unusual as the veiningbor splotches are not visible on back side of leaf which is silvery making it a two colored different sides.
₹699.00₹449.00 - Sale! -24%Add to cartMORE INFO
N’Joy Money Plant
Rated 5.00 out of 5N’Joy Money Plant has large, glossy, variegated heart-shaped leaves that can be trained up a totem pole, string, moss stick, or be made to spill over the edge of a table or shelf. They grow well in a hanging basket to display their attractive foliage. The leathery, shiny-surface, leaves are arranged alternately on long leaf-stalks
₹249.00₹189.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
N’Joy Money Plant Large
N’Joy Money Plant has large, glossy, variegated heart-shaped leaves that can be trained up a totem pole, string, moss stick, or be made to spill over the edge of a table or shelf. They grow well in a hanging basket to display their attractive foliage. The leathery, shiny-surface, leaves are arranged alternately on long leaf-stalks
₹1,499.00₹749.00 - Sale! -57%Add to cartMORE INFO
N’Joy Money Plant Medium
N’Joy Money Plant has large, glossy, variegated heart-shaped leaves that can be trained up a totem pole, string, moss stick, or be made to spill over the edge of a table or shelf. They grow well in a hanging basket to display their attractive foliage. The leathery, shiny-surface, leaves are arranged alternately on long leaf-stalks
₹1,499.00₹649.00 - Sale! -33%Add to cartMORE INFO
Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’
Spathiphyllum Sensation Also known as peace lily, peace lily sensation, white sails, spathe flower. ‘Sensation’ is the largest cultivar of Spathiphyllum and produces large, deeply ribbed leaves that give a wild vibe to space. it blooms throughout the year.
₹599.00₹399.00 - Add to cartMORE INFO
Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ Large
₹1,299.00Spathiphyllum Sensation Also known as peace lily, peace lily sensation, white sails, spathe flower. ‘Sensation’ is the largest cultivar of Spathiphyllum and produces large, deeply ribbed leaves that give a wild vibe to space. it blooms throughout the year.
- Sale! -70%Add to cartMORE INFO
Sansevieria ‘Masoniana Variegata’
Sansevieria ‘Masoniana f. Variegata’ has huge, blade-shaped foliage which is highly unusual and instantly recognizable. Its enormous leaves have amazing light and dark green mottling and spots, and this bright variegated form of the famous Snake Plant also has pale yellow coloration at the leaf margins.
₹2,999.00₹899.00 - Sale! -73%Add to cartMORE INFO
Sansevieria ‘Masoniana Variegata’ Mini
Sansevieria ‘Masoniana f. Variegata’ has huge, blade-shaped foliage which is highly unusual and instantly recognizable. Its enormous leaves have amazing light and dark green mottling and spots, and this bright variegated form of the famous Snake Plant also has pale yellow coloration at the leaf margins.
₹1,499.00₹399.00 - Sale! -44%Add to cartMORE INFO
Sansevieria Boncellensis ‘Starfish’
Sansevieria Boncellensis ‘Starfish’ is a snake plant variety, also known as starfish-shaped succulents. The Plant has fan-shaped light green foliage with dark green concentric circles from the top to the bottom of the leaf.
₹899.00₹499.00 - Sale! -50%Add to cartMORE INFO
Sansevieria Boncellensis ‘Starfish’ Medium
Sansevieria Boncellensis ‘Starfish’ is a snake plant variety, also known as starfish-shaped succulents. The Plant has fan-shaped light green foliage with dark green concentric circles from the top to the bottom of the leaf.
₹699.00₹349.00 - Read more
Sansevieria “Metallica Siam Silver”
Sansevieria “Metallica Siam Silver” is a perennial stemless succulent plant that has linear, pointed leaves which occur in rosettes. Leaves are stiff, leathery which are held erect & wide.They have a vertical striping pattern of grey and greyish green bands of varying width with Horizontal bands of light greyish green crossing through the greyish green vertical bands.Siam Silver are also known as ‘Tom Grumbley’.