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Acalypha Pendula, Dwarf Trailing Chenille in hanging pot
The Dwarf Chenille Plant, or Red Hot Cat’s Tail has a long bloom period and beautiful flowers that range from bright red to a deep pink color. It’s a great addition to any subtropical or tropical garden. Blooms year round.
₹899.00₹429.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Gerbera Daisy(Any color)
Barberton daisy is the common name for the Gebera Jamesonii, also known as the Transvaal or Gerbera daisy. The large range of striking flower colors has enabled this flowering pot plant to become a popular house plant choice for a number of years.
₹499.00₹199.00 - Sale! -22%Add to cartMORE INFO
Juanulloa aurantiaca – Gold Finger Plant
Juanulloa mexicana or aurantica is a rare and uncommon colorful blooming vine-like tropical It is commonly called Goldfinger Bush or Vine because of the resemblance of the elongated, elliptical shaped golden orange buds to fingers.
₹899.00₹699.00 - Sale! -30%Add to cartMORE INFO
Pineland Hibiscus
The Pineland Hibiscus or Comfortroot is an uncommon native perennial with attractive and beautiful flashy foliage, which can come in stunning shades of creamy white flowers with a burgundy eye are produced from summer to fall on an upright to spreading perennial with small, trilobed, rich green foliage.
₹499.00₹349.00 - Sale! -30% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Powder Puff Plant (Calliandra Red)
Powder puff tree is captivating, covered with big, bright blooms. Those bright red fuzzy “flowers” are actually made up of stamens and can grow to 3 in (8 cm) in diameter. Powder puffs are long-lasting and will cover the tree nearly all year, making this a stunning accent in the home.
₹499.00₹349.00 - Read more
Pseuderanthemum Alata (Chocolate Plant)
Pseuderanthemum Species, Chocolate Plant has chololate colored foliage with blotches of silver. it has Pinkish-purple flowers in August are quite showy with the chocolate background. The leaves are broad and the entire plant is from six inches to a foot tall.
₹699.00₹449.00 - Sale! -30%Add to cartMORE INFO
Red Hot Variegated Tropical Hibiscus
Red Hot Variegated Tropical Hibiscus is best known for its multiple colored foliage with leaves from green, to light pinky-red to deep red with red flower.This strong characteristic makes it a wonderful plant for color everyday in the garden during the warm season.
₹499.00₹349.00 - Add to cartMORE INFO
Terminalia Ivorensis ( Black Afara )
₹399.00A large, dry deciduous tree with a tall, straight trunk that has blackish, flaking bark, a flat, spreading stern tropical Africa. It is popular in forestry for tropical climates for its extremely fast growth rate, long, straight bole and high quality timber, and makes a good shade tree in agroforestry.
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Thunbergia alata ‘Arizona Dark Red’
The flowers of this eye-catching thunbergia vary in colour from a deep rich red to more sunset shades. It is covered by angled, nearly heart-shaped, bright green leaves, 2-3 inches long. Scattered among them in the warmer months are dark orange red flowers with 2 inch faces and blackish purple centers.