Begonia solimutata

1,149.00 349.00

Begonia soli-mutata (Color Changing) is a compact shrub-like species from Brazil. The medium sized oval leaves are chocolate brown with wide green areas along the main veins. The leaf surface is pustulated. The colors in the leaf vary remarkably with the amount of light they receive. This species likes a little extra humidity.

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Height:  4 inches to 5 inch bushier as per Production.

Pot size: Grown in 4 inches plastic Pot.

Dispatch Details: Plants will be shipped with 4-inch pots.

Repotting: Repot the received plant in 6 to 8-inch pot with good soil media.

Soil Media: 50% Potting Soil + 15% cocopit + 25% Organic manure/Vermicompost + 5% charcoal chips + 5% perlite.

Watering: Only after Soil dries completely.

Placement: Indoor in medium to low light with Good natural Air Circulation/Ventilation.

Sunlight: No direct Sunlight

For More Details and Caring go to the link below:

How to Grow and Care for Begonia Plants


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