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Monstera ‘Deliciosa’ Biggie

3,499.00 2,499.00

Monstera ‘Deliciosa’ Biggie also known as the Swiss cheese plant, Mexican breadfruit, or hurricane plant, is recognizable by its large, glossy green leaves with deep splits and holes. It is a very popular and favourites among growers as an indoor plant due to its low maintence and huge eye catching foliage from decades.

14 in stock


Height: 1.3 ft to 1.6 ft alike in pictures.

Pot size: Grown in 12 inch inch plastic Pot.

Dispatch Details: Plants will be shipped with soil to root ball.

Repotting: Repot the received plant in 12 to 14 inch pot with good soil media.

Soil Media: 55% Potting Soil + 20% cocopit + 15% Organic manure/Vermicompost + 5% charcoal chips + 5% perlite.

Watering: Only after Soil dries completely.

Placement:Indoor in medium to low light with Good natural Air Circulation/Ventilation.

Sunlight: No direct Sunlight

For More Details and Caring go to link below:

How to care for your Monstera


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