Philodendron Burle Marx Variegated

1,899.00 299.00

The “Philodendron Burle Marx Variegated” is a variegated cultivar of the Philodendron Burle Marx, which is a popular tropical houseplant. It’s named after the famous Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, who was known for his innovative use of plants in his designs.




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Height: 4  to 6 inch bushier alike in picture.

Pot size: Grown in 4 inch plastic Pot.

Dispatch Details: Plants will be shipped with same pot.

Repotting: Repot the received plant in 8  to 9 inch pot with good soil media on a moss stick.

Soil Media: 50% Potting Soil + 15% cocopit + 25% Organic manure/Vermicompost + 5% charcoal chips + 5% perlite.

Watering: Only after Soil dries completely.

Placement:Indoor in medium to low light with Good natural Air Circulation/Ventilation.

Sunlight: No direct Sunlight

For More Details and Caring go to link below:

How To Care For A Philodendron Houseplants


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