Variegated Plants
Showing 225–256 of 298 results
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Variegated Phalaenopsis ‘Coffey’
Variegated Phalaenopsis Coffey is a rare orchid that has unusual variegated leaves with green centers and creamy yellow edges. Spikes of pinkish-purple flowers add a beautiful contrast to the variegated leaves and it often has 7-10 blooms per spike once the plant is mature. ‘Coffey’ is known for its stable variegation. Flowers last 2 months or more.
₹2,499.00₹599.00 - Sale! -80% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata’
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata ’ have large gorgeous variegated leaves that look hand painted with their contrasting white veins. This variety features a striking dark green and creamy variegated foliage with a white strip of color down the midrib of the leaf which provides a beautiful contrast.
₹2,000.00₹399.00 - SOLD OUTRead more
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata’ Large
Dieffenbachia ‘Sterling Variegata ’ have large gorgeous variegated leaves that look hand painted with their contrasting white veins. This variety features a striking dark green and creamy variegated foliage with a white strip of color down the midrib of the leaf which provides a beautiful contrast.
₹4,999.00₹1,299.00 - Sale! -63% NEW!Add to cartMORE INFO
Dieffenbachia Big Ben Variegated
Dieffenbachia ‘Big Ben’ variegated is a large-form specimen plant that has incredibly beautiful green and white variegation patterns. As the plant matures, it develops thick canes that resemble bamboo and a grow style that resembles a banana plant.
₹1,999.00₹749.00 - Read more
Curio Rowleyanus Variegata ( String of Pearls Variegated)
Curio Rowleyanus Variegata ( String of Pearls Variegated) is a unique, quirky succulent with intriguing, trailing stems of round, pea-like leaves swirled in cream. Flowers appear on tall, slender stems as small, white fuzzy daisies.
₹899.00₹249.00 - Read more
Variegated String of Heart (Ceropegia woodi)
Variegated String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) is a straggly evergreen flowering climber with delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines can reach up to 12′ long in its natural environment. The simple, opposite heart-shaped leaves are 1-2 cm wide and long. They are dark green with splashes of pink all over on the upper surface and green to purple on the underside.
₹1,999.00₹999.00 - Read more
Dischidia Nummularia Variegated (String of Nickels)
Dischidia Nummularia Variegated also known as String of Nickels has round, very thick, succulent leaves. The leaves are opposite,round,whitish Variegated .It has a trailing growth habit and will make an intriguing little hanging basket. The tiny flowers are white and have a waxy texture. It is a very slow grower.
₹1,299.00₹699.00 - Read more
Dischidia Ruscifolia ‘Variegata’ Mini
Dischidia Ruscifolia ‘Variegata’ also known as Million Hearts, has numerous small, heart-shaped with white & yellow variegated leaves that line both sides of thin trailing stems. Its flowers are small and grow between a leaf and the stem.
₹599.00₹349.00 - Sale! -42%Add to cartMORE INFO
Variegated tapioca Manihot esculenta ‘Variegata
The Variegated Tapioca has stunning deeply lobed leaves with yellow to cream coloured centres and a margin of green, its bright red leaf stalks add to its ornamental appeal. This plant is easy to grow and does well in both full and semi-shade conditions.
₹599.00₹349.00 - Sale! -34%Add to cartMORE INFO
Devil’s Backbones – Pedilanthus Tithymaloides
Euphorbia tithymaloides Variegata also known as Varigated Devil’s Backbone is a thick succulent like plant whose stems grow in a zig-zag direction, back and forth between each leaf. The green and white variegated leaves take on a rosy blush in bright, sunny conditions.
₹349.00₹229.00 - Sale! -29%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia Tithymaloides Variegata (Varigated Devil’s Backbone)
Euphorbia tithymaloides Variegata also known as Varigated Devil’s Backbone is a thick succulent like plant whose stems grow in a zig-zag direction, back and forth between each leaf. The green and white variegated leaves take on a rosy blush in bright, sunny conditions.
₹349.00₹249.00 - Sale! -29%Add to cartMORE INFO
Euphorbia ‘Trigona Mint Cream’
Variegated Euphorbia Trigona is prickly beauty is a hardy, low-maintenance succulent noted for its erect, columnar branches and slender leaves. It has an upright stem and will have multiple branches as it grows older. Commonly called African milk tree, Euphorbia trigona is a hardy, low-maintenance succulent noted for its erect, columnar branches and slender leaves.
₹699.00₹499.00 - Sale! -25%Add to cartMORE INFO
Gasteraloe ‘Green Ice’
‘Green Ice’ is a slow-growing succulent with thick, flat variegated leaves. It’s perfect for beginning succulent growers, or those wanting an indoor garden. The leaves have gray spots and lines, with red and green tubular flowers.
₹599.00₹449.00 - Sale! -64%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthia Cooperi Var. pilifera ‘Silver Swirl’
Haworthia Cooperi Var. pilifera ‘Silver Swirl’ is a beautiful succulent that forms tight and compact rossete upto 10 cm tall. The leaves are thick, linear that are white with grey translucent areas near the tips.
₹699.00₹249.00 - Sale! -40%Add to cartMORE INFO
Haworthia Cooperi ‘Variegata’
Haworthia cooperi ‘Variegata’ The pale foliage (almost clear) is distinctively patterned with a consistent, whitish-grey, variegation. Haworthia cooperi ‘Variegata’ slowly forms offsets, and plants can vary depending on the light they are exposed to,
₹999.00₹599.00 - Read more
Haworthia Limifolia Variegated
Haworthia Limifolia Variegated is a charming species, with large rosettes. It obtained its name “limifolia” (File Leafed) from the distinctive, dark brownish-green leaves with yellow Variegation , with transverse ridges of raised, horny, tubercles which resemble those of a coarse file and give it such a distinctive appearance.